Wednesday, February 24, 2016

injury update

I haven't been blogging a ton lately, but I'm day 17 on a Whole30 and I feel great! I signed up for this program through work insurance called PreventNow. I have been tracking food and weighing myself every day. Not sure how psychologically damaging it is...but it's interesting to see my weight! Feb 9th, first day of Whole30 I weighed, Feb 24th I weighed 155. So 9lb lost in 16 days! Probably all inflammation though from taking out shit!

I have been having some issues with my knee this week, and I'm SO bummed. I moved some boxes over the weekend, that's the only thing I can think of what could have caused it. I woke up Monday morning with my knee feeling super weird...not really hurting but just out of place.
Monday: Woke up with the weird feeling, workout for the most part was fine I think? Towards the end of the day starting feeling it a bit when I walked.
Tuesday: We did step ups, over bench to other side, this definitely did not feel great. It's when my leg was weightless that I could feel it. Rowing also wasn't super pleasant, so I just did like half a row sometimes, just bending my knee a bit. Walking at work didn't even feel great, so that was a bummer. Stretching before bed was a little scary, it hurt a bit to touch my toe, just kind of felt like I was doing something I shouldn't be, is the best way to describe it? But felt OK after, so I'm not sure what's right or wrong. A good way to describe it is that it feels inflamed, but visually it's fine. The location seems to be deep in the back right, maybe? It's so hard to tell.

Wednesday: Running for first few steps hurt a bit, but went away during entire run. The first few floor moves were ok, but I did my first burpee and my body screamed. It was the jumping back up from the push up part that made my knee freak out. It didn't feel right for the rest of the time. So in the car I cancelled my next two workouts, even though it was tough to do so. I freaking love these workouts. Stretching afterwards didn't feel awesome, again felt like I was doing something unnatural, but I still think it's good to do that too.

I've been icing on and off each day at work and at night, and I also am wearing my extra cotton knee brace thing during the day at work today. It feels way better so far today. So maybe the key will just be nursing it back to health.

I would love to still go to work gym tomorrow and Friday and do some upper body stuff, but J is coming back so we'll see if I'm motivated to!

On an interesting note. I ordered some Good Earth Sweet and Spicy tea...and then started researching the ingredients. And was so sad to find out that they don't disclose what the "Natural Flavoring" is. Which is a huge bummer. I went into a black hole of scary articles and theories...but in the long run, this is what it comes down to. The FDA definition:

The definition of natural flavor under the Code of Federal Regulations is: “the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof, whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional” (21CFR101.22).

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