Wednesday, January 28, 2015

day six

My morning ritual at work has been set for a long time now, even before Whole30. I unload my crap, walk to the water machine, fill her up with crushed ice (game changer, so lucky to have an ice machine) and water. I take my vitamins: D, C and Mg. Then I eat my hard boiled egg with cinnamon, I know it's weird, but for some reason it's OK with me. I could probably add delicious things to my eggs, but if I can keep it plain and I'm good with, I might as well! It sounds so odd, but you should try it, it might surprise you. And then I get after it for the day.

Todays lunch was meatballs, sweet potatoes, an apple and olives. Mighty fine meal.
Dinner was shredded pork, strawberries and greenbeans with a little garlic salt cooked in coconut oil. And I didn't get sick, yay! Must have used the right amount of oil?

Wednesday workout for this morning:

10 min treadmill-1 mile, under 10 minutes, increase 1% incline every .25 miles (however I almost puked doing no pressure to get it under 10 minutes)
12 each arm seated row machine, bottom grip
12 bent bar bell rows
12 reverse fly, kneeling on bench
20 medicine ball throw facing wall, kind of like this, but facing wall, and closer to wall, we used a heavy 12 lb sand ball

12 each
lat pull down machine
seated row machine, top grip this time
sit up rack with weight, similar to this
bicep curl with bendy bar

5 minutes treadmill

Party on!

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