Friday, January 23, 2015

day one

It's officially day one for me, and I feel pretty ready. I was definitely more pumped about the idea of this, than now that I actually have to pursue. BUT let's take that little honest thought I just put right there, and throw that shit under the bed. Because we're ALL positive here!

I had a successful binge fest last night (actually it was pretty mild if I say so myself). I finished a box of velveeta mac n cheese, and topped off the night with big cookie (warm cookie with ice cream on top). I didn't even eat it all!

I wasn't able to work out today because I had to bring ice cream to work. The irony. I know. It actually is a huge bummer, because I was super ready to get back to the gym. But soon enough I will be back and get dem veins pumpin. So not only are we having an ice cream party at work today, which I can't participate in, I passed TWO different boxes of donuts walking to my desk. WOOF. Starting the temptations of strong world, thanks for that.

Starting on a Friday leads into a pretty weird schedule. But I'm also excited to be able to prep some food this coming weekend. For now I'm happily sipping my black coffee, while preparing to eat my two boiled eggs with cinnamon sprinkled on top. I have my daily water intake sheet next to me and I'm ready to party.

Day one is almost done! I conquered a lot of temptations for that, and I'm proud. But at the same time it wasn't that because my cravings are totally under control if I'm not around crappy's only when there's treats at work etc. when this whole thing is a problem...and two...because my tummy is NOT anywhere near normal since coming back from Mexico. Hope there isn't someone else living in my belly eating for two...and by that I mean a parasite or something...not a baby.

Lunch was a spinach and apple salad (plain cause i'm boring like that), two hard boiled eggs with a tiny bit of salt and a handful of carrots. A no-problem lunch. If I could have eggs with every meal, I would be set.

Dinner was pan cooked chicken chunks...I really need help in the meat department. And sauteed onions and green peppers, and some raspberries. Wasn't totally fantastic...can't tell if I'm Mexico unhappy or just Samara belly unhappy...but who knows. OH and I can't forget a blueberry Rx bar...since they came in the mail today and I had to try one. So good, now I want 12 of them.

Day one DONEZO!

Party on!

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