Monday, March 30, 2015

another monday, for realzies?

Let's get real. The past few days have been awful. And not because of guilt or because I want to punish myself for the things I've been eating...but because my tummy hurt pretty bad most of the weekend. And ya know what? It wasn't even worth it. I get so much more out of life when I am concious about what I'm putting into my body. I miss planning. I miss cooking. I miss my mental gold starts from feeling awesome about what's going in (and sometimes coming out). Also my farts have been literally from hell itself. Wowza. I accidentally let one go in the middle of the night Saturday, thinking John was sleeping. He wasn't. And said he felt like he could taste it. OMG I WAS SO SORRY.

But anywho, all of this leads me back down the right path. Can't wait to get this crap in order. Let's do this!

My ankle leg area was really sore running today and it made my really nervous. It's been awhile since i've had to compare feelings to shin splints...but I'm really hoping that's not what it felt like. So i'm just going to chalk it up to first day running this week, and do better with stetching.

Workout today:
Base paces and hills ex.
1 min base
3 min push incline 4
1 min base
2 min push incline 6
1 min base
45s all out incline 13
45s all out incline 14
45s all out incline 15
Probably some more stuff

15 Bosu ball laying with medicine ball, then stand, jump while lifting medicine ball, back down
20 Boso ball laying on belly, lift chest up
1000m row

16 plank hip touches
8 TRX knee up, lunge back, each side
500m row

10 squat jumps
100m sprint row

45s ab scissors
20s flutter kicks
20s sideways layer kicks

Party on!

Friday, March 27, 2015

OTF is love

Below are screen shots of the daily emails I get after an OTF (orange theory fitness) workout. I don't pay much attention to them really, but I definitely look at them each day. Mostly it's intresting to see where my heart rate was when I do floor stuff. Or like take a look at the last one, Friday, today. WTF was going on there? Kinda interesting...when it dips to the floor like's almost like there had to have been a malfunction...or maybe it's when I was doing chest stuff and the pod hit the floor? Today we did a quarter friday workout, so I did treadmill, row/floor, treadmill, floor. You can see it on that last day there that I pushed it almost as hard on that first floor rotation as I did on the treadmill both times, which makes me happy. Because I did push it! The trainer today was my first time with Quinn, and I really liked it. He is obnoxiously upbeat, which is my kinda person.

The workout today (that last one):
Treadmill 1:
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
2 min push 1 min all out
1 min base
2 min push 1 min all out
1 min base
1 min all out
1 min base

Floor 1:
800m row sprint, under 4 min
8 burpees + pushup + quick leg lunge at top
400m row sprint, under 2 min
8 burpees + pushup + quick leg lunge at top
200m row sprint, under 1 min
8 burpees + pushup + quick leg lunge at top

Floor 2:
10 medicine ball jump jacks
10 lunge with medicine ball

12 push ups with medicine ball, alternate with rolling
20 mountain climbers with medicine ball

12 sit up with medicine ball + v up when coming down
20 mason twists with medicine ball
12 toe touches

Thursday, March 26, 2015

go grease lightnin'

Last night I went to Anchor Fish n Chips. And can I just say. It's a delicous place, but every time I go there, I regret it after. The grease level just does not agree with my belly region.

And to be frank. I also had a mess in my pants at the gym today because of it.

My desire to snack has become an issue. I have packed some chia seeds in a tiny tupperwear...and eat them. Who does that? My coworkers were really freaked out. But lunches have been great as always! Meatballs, avacado, apple and spinach salad. Bomb diggity. Or at least I'm still not sick of it.

But the workout was grand! And it was hard for me stop and even attempt to deal with the issue becuase I just wanted to keep going so bad.

Workout, estimated, of what I remember:
3 minutes push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min all out
1 min base
3 min push 3% incline
1 min base
2 min push at 9% incline
1 min all out at incline

8 TRX lunge leg back, into leg straight out in front balancing
24 push up, lifting leg to elbow each side

10 dead lift with tricep row when bent
10 sit ups with twist at top
200m low squat row

10 single arm dumbell quick swing thing
10 burpees with push up

Party on!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

great workout

Today was a really, really great workout:

Triple group workout
Treadmill (I don’t’ remember what we did but this is pretty close):
60s base
2 min push at 9% incline
2 min jump rope
60s base
2 min push at 9% incline, 12% incline and then 15% incline
2 min burpee with dumbbells, curl and press at top
60s base
2 min all out

Floor 1: 187 reps of each
Jumping jacks
High Knees
Butt kicks
Squat pulses
Mountain climbers
Plank knee touches
Superman flutters
Toe kicks

Floor 2: In line
Hold squat and pass tire sideways along line facing front
20 Push ups
Face trainer and pass tire with 180% jump
30 push ups
Hold squat and pass tire sideways along line facing front
40 push ups
Hold plank 2 minutes

Party on!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

drinking as a non-drinker

I've already discussed drinking in this post, but sometimes I want to pretend to be a normal person who gets boozy. And I want to practice in case I ever want to get tipsy sometime soon. SO last night I ordered a vodka soda with the roommies. And it was good! I asked him to make it weak with a lemon and lime, so who knows what will happen if I don't ask for a baby drink. But I will try it again I think.

Last night for dinner, I finished off the last of the chicken fingers that I wrote about here. Sad they are gone. They were so amazing. I don't have meat prepped for dinners this week, so I think I will just eat some of the frozen burger patties I have stocked up on from TJs. I probably won't buy those again for awhile, since I've learned how to food prep pretty well. Better than expected actually. So emergency protein like that probably won't be needed. BUT that doesn't count my applegate hotdogs and meatballs. Those are a must have in the freezer (and they save my sanity).

We woke up to that snow on Monday morning. Or actually, let me rephrase, it magically fell Sunday night as roommies and I were watching our new obsession Reign...and then we woke up to this. Not fun to go back to the gym in boots. But it was actually pretty fun to get a tiny bit more dust and know that it's pretty darn temporary!!!

J and I had another discussion about food and working out recently. It's so hard for me to describe what this transition has meant to me. It's so obvious in my's hard to explain in palpable terms for those around me. But one thing is for sure, my workouts have been giving me lots of joy. They go so fast, and are just really perfect for me. I enjoy it every time. And even look forward to it!

For years, I have had this weird pain in my left elbow when I do certain fitness moves. The times it was most obvious was tricep machines at snaps and planet fitness type gyms. It never really bothered me at my other group strength classes (probably more than I realize I'm sure), but it has been flaring up recently. I'm wondering if it's because some of the strength moves we do now are done I'm noticing it more with quick movements. Specifically when we do high rows on the TRX bands, and today when we did squats with dumbells being held by our ears. It's when there is a severe bend in my elbow that it casues a really sharp pain. Kind of on the outside of the elbow I think.  I just want to log it here in case I ever need to remember. I'm super grateful that I haven't been injured in my new fitness routines, so I am definitely going to keep an eye on it and be proactive, but for now I think it's OK.

Workout today:

Partner tread/row
.50 miles push on treadmill / other person rows
.25 miles all out on treadmill / squat rows on row
.50 push at incline 9 on treadmill / hard row

Everyone on floor (we'll see what I remember)
20/10 workout - 20s go, 10s rest
4x each
squat pulses with dumbbells
press with dumbbells
wide leg squats, dumbells by ears
straight arm tricep extension to sides
straight arm tricep forward
plank jumping jacks
toe touches

party on!

Monday, March 23, 2015

a struggle

I will talk about how awesome this life change has been for hours. But today, today is a hard day. I have been craving sugary stuff all day. I mistakenly brought in some dried TJs Just Mango. And I at the whole bag. And then I ate some of a cake that was sitting out in the break room. I had to throw it away so I didn't eat the whole thing. I feel like I just need to leave this place. What a hard Monday!

But it's going to happen. Over and over in my life. And no guilt for what i've given into thus far. But I have to make a concious decision to stop, and remind myself of the other side.

Party on. I've got this.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

over the weekend

I feel so good. I know it's redundant. But I'm just so thankful.
Also, I have baby guns! I think I'm doing well with the whole balance thing...but I'm excited for another round of Whole30 rules. I find myself being more tempted lately. Who knows, I might constantly just need resets of Whole30s throughout life! We'll see!
This week I lived off of 2-ingredient crock pot chicken (chicken breasts with jarred salsa in crockpot, cook on low for 6-8 hours). And even though it was dry, I enjoyed it at every meal. It's seriously wonderful.
I was going to start eating arugula in my salads every day, since it is higher in calcium than spinach...but now that my blood tests have come back-and are impeccable!-I'm going to go back to spinach. Arugala is so spicy! And it also doesn't stay good near as long as spinach does. I'm sorry I cheated on you spinach, I'm back now. OMG this lunch was amazing. I just used my mexican chicken, topped it with DumpRanch, onion and avacado. So yummy.
For my other meals this week:
Another dinner with Mexican chicken. MMM so good.
Classic Samara breakfast. I really do not get very original on the weekends. But hey, why fix it if it aint broke. I also got that new water bottle there in the corner. I needed to spend the 5.08 left on a Dicks sporting good gift card from Xmas two years that's what I came up with. Then I went to target and they had way better water bottles. Oh well!
On Saturday I made Paleo Chicken Fingers from this recipe. They were SO GOOD! Especially with the dump ranch. Oh gosh, yeah so good.
Of course I made my weekly meatball batch, and told the world about it through SnapChat
Found this cartoon and want to remember it forever. I seriously don't eat asparagus anymore becuase of this. I just can't.
Party on!

Friday, March 20, 2015

we made it! friday!

This video is so freaking funny. And I'm totally guilty of some of these things, danngit!

My lunches have mostly been of mexican chicken this week. Yesterday I had arugala, mexican chicken, avacado, onion and dumpranch in a salad-so good! And my grapefruit, which I excitedly had my coworkers try with my peeling method.

I decided I can't keep larabars at work, because I just end up snacking on them. And if there's one thing I want to keep forever from Whole30, it's to not snack.

For dinner, J and I went to Copper Hen, and I got the same thing I got last time, the Farmhouse salad-so good! And I tried a Jaoi soda. I didn't want to be obnoxious about the ingredients and ask, but it's not something I will get again. A little too sugary to keep me in check for life. But a fun treat, and no guilt obvs, because Whole30 rocks and has changed my mindset, and I just love it still. No guilt ever! Just a desire to make choices, hopefully better ones.

This morning at work I had half a donut (after my 3 eggs). And it was great, but I ate it so fast I barely tasted it ha! Can't wait to start my next Whole30 on April 6th!!!

I pushed myself a lot today at the gym and it was really fun.

Quarter split

Treadmill 1:
.5 miles at 3 incline, fast as you can
200m row
.25 miles at 5 incline, fast as you can
200m row
.15 all out
200m row

10 step ups with weights (R)
10 face smashers on bench, 10 both dumbell tricep, 10 presses
10 step ups with weights (L)
10 concentration curls, each side

Treadmill 2:
.5 miles at 7 incline, fast as you can
200m row
.25 miles at 9 incline, fast as you can
200m row

10 dead lifts
10 single arm rows on bench

10 side step ups on bench
20 laying. feet up ab push with dumbbell

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

i thought yesterday was wednesday

But it wasn't. Today's Wednesday, crap buckets! But that's OK, because tonight I have no plans (secret yay!) and I want need to finish up some editing. And go to bed early. And eat the crock pot 2 ingredient chicken I have waiting for me at home. Monday night I ended up inviting J over for dinner. I made Whole30 onion rings, which were not great but not horrible, lettuce wrapped turkey burgers, not super impressed by those. But I guess we could have seasoned them...and caulimash. J humored me, but I don't think it was his favorite meal ever:)

OMG and I made this #dumpranch from instagram @wholesisters, and I'm not kidding, it's life changing. It's seriously perfection.

Last night for dinner I had a weird assortment of snacks, frowny face. I came home and had a scoop of almond butter, some chocolate chips, and a bananna. All seperate. Not even together, writing this now, I should have combined them, duh! Anywho...then my roommie and I took the bus downtown (got on at 5:57, it was free starting at 6, the guy still made us pay, arg) to meet our third roommie for the parade downtown. I had gobstoppers! and smarties! and a green laffy taffy! And it was so worth it. Then I had a beer, guinness of course, given the holida. I don't know why, I didn't want one. And about half way through I got one of dem gluten belly aches. Ew! So I didn't finish it. Then when we got home, I wasn't too hungry and just had a grapefruit.

Dump Ranch
1 egg
1 cup "light" olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
3/4 tsp onion powder
3/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 full fat coconut milk
1 handful cilantro or parsley (i skipped this and it was still amazing)

Blend with immersion blender

JUST LIKE RANCH BUT BETTER! (even J and my roommie said that!)
Whole30 Baked Onion Rings - this recipe was provided by Whole30 for the superbowl, and caused some drama, but since I'm off for now, obvs I don't care if its SWYPO
1 yellow onion sliced
4 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups almond flour
2 eggs whisked

Preheat oven to 400. While oven is heating slice onion. In one bowl crack eggs, in another bowl mix spices and flour together. Dredge onion in eggs then coat with dry mixture. Place on cookie sheet and bake for 20 min, flipping once.

Workout today ( i worked out yesterday too, but hell if I remember what I did)
3 group rotation

2 min each
Curl and press on bosu ball
Stand up walk to planks
Plank, curl knee ins, on roller
Wall sits with 12lb medicine ball between legs

Tricep curls on bosu ball
Hands on roller pushups
Power squats with medicine ball

100m sprint

50m sprint
10 squat and jumps
75m sprint
10 Squat upper rows
100m sprint
100m squat and pull

Treadmill (i think) :
1 min base
3 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min push + 9 incline
1 min base
2 min push + 12 incline
1 min base
2 min push +15 incline
1 min base
1 min all out, at 30 sec 12 incline
1 min recover
1 min all out, at 30 sec 15 incline

Party on!

Monday, March 16, 2015

another monday

The weekend was full of food, "good" and some "bad". I got pretty darn sick late saturday night. Not sure if it was the hot dog bun or the hot dog. I think it was the hot dog, since it was a pretty violent reaction...but just stomach cramps. But anywho! I love how I can have a weekend eating food I used to, and still start the week of right. Another way in which whole30 has changed my life. Just love it!

Other than that, I do get cramps and my belly feels rock hard after I have gluten. Cheese doesn't seem to do much. But I usually have those things together, so I suppose it could! But here's the real victory, after getting sick saturday (with i'm almost positive was food poisoning from brats), I realized that I haven't been nauseas before bed since starting the Whole30. I used to 1 to a couple times per week! So that's huge!

This quiz made me laugh lots.

These were the bars I made for St. Pattys day, and they were a huge hit! We ate quite a bit at the party that day, but when I brought them to work on actual st pattys day, people ate 'em up!

Workout today:
26 min treadmill, hills and all outs

6 squat to press 20lb dumbbells
6 alternating hammer curls
15 TRX press
(x2ish, increasing 1 rep each round)

10 sumo squat, pull up to chest
10 tricep extension with 20lb dumbbell
250m row

Party on!

Friday, March 13, 2015

it's friday...!

My manager completed her Whole30 yesterday, and feels so great! Yay! My Asics came yesterday. They already fit like an old friend. No break in needed. I can already feel that there is no pressing anywhere close to my never ending blister from my other shoes. Yahoo!

Workout today was great, again, don't like splitting up treadmill a ton, but today was in quarters which I liked a little more.


13 min treadmill-hills and all outs

300m sprint rower
8 incline bench press, 25lb dumbells (a little too heavy, but made it through)
8 one arm bent over row
15 ab, curl legs into chest to straight

13 min treadmill

300m spring rower
8 sitting press with dumbell
8 incline dumbbell fly
8 legs in and out sitting on bench

At Orange Theory Fitness, we get our daily results emailed to us, which is pretty cool! Doesn't mean much to me, because I always walk away knowing I got a good workout. But it's pretty neat to see! Here is my Monday results for example:
Party on!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

a review of the past

My coworkers were discussing how the jolly ranchers they kept eating were hurting their teeth. This reminded me of some of my old eating practices. Of course, again, no judgement to those who do any of these things! I have just changed my preferences for some things! I don't regret any of these things, because regret is a wasted emotion, but also it's because of my story. No one can make a change with how they eat unless they want to. And if eating like below is great for you, that's great for me. I just love the way my body feels since I've changed things up!

-when i worked in data entry in college, i would bring in a bag of jolly ranchers and suck on them all. day. long. no wonder i got more cavities then...

-my diet in college largly consisted of salami sandwhiches, jacks pizza, pasta roni and canned green beans. i would plan to only eat half the pizza, or half the pasta roni, but suddnely it would be gone

-a regular meal throughout my life has been angel hair pasta with butter and parm cheese

-another was boiled potato with butter, sour cream and colby jack cheese

-i used to frequently go to noodles and co, and get a large mac n cheese, and a soda, to go, and pig out at home (omg it doesn't even sound that good right now, holy crap!)

-i loved (still love probably, but i'm not even gonna go there. soda, i will admit, is awful, judgement free zone on this subject) soda. i would get it as a treat to myself. i didn't buy it in bulk thankfully, but i still would have 2-3 glasses if i went out to eat! i don't even have a desire to touch it anymore, thank god. (whenever i say stuff like that it's mixed with the realistic nature of, yeah it would taste great, but it's more worth to not have it)

-i grew up on an interesting treat, saltine crackers and butter, sounds good right now, but i so don't want to get back into that territory!

-i barely ever used to drink water, now i drink almost a gallon daily, and love it

-i had a hard time getting iron when i was in college and post college, i would go days without having any meat or eggs, to the point where they had to turn me away from giving blood a few times

-when i went to mcdonalds, sometimes i would get a large fry, a dollar mcdouble, AND chicken nuggest, AND a mcflurry, AND a coke

-a regular snack was salami with a scoop of cream cheese

-when i first moved in with roommates after living alone, one morning my roommate walked in and i was having leftover skittles and a pepsi for breakfast. the things that went unoticed when you lived alone...

No it's not awful to eat these things, and it's part of my story. But I am so incredibly happy with the way I eat now. I have been tracking my sleeping with my fitbit the past couple of weeks, and I sleep so soundly! I really hope it's from the food I eat. It's so easy now too, like last night whipping up shrimp, cauliflower mashed potatoes and an avacado for dinner was so fun. Lots of clean up though, so the time part can be stressful. But I love it! I also got an immersion blender to make mayo and it worked super well! Some of the oil gets left behind on the top, but I just mixed it up with the final stuff. I hope it allows me to make mayo fast/more often.

Workout today was good! Didn't push myself as hard as's interesting to see which types of workouts make me work harder...for example today we did rower to treadmill, and I think I treated the rower as a "break". I like it better when I'm forced to work hard on just the treadmill for half the class.

I also got new shoes which rocks! For the past 8ish years I have always gotten practically the same Asic shoe (different colors). My last pair I decided the Reeboks at Marshalls rack would be a good idea, even though they were only like $10 cheaper. Dumb. Mistake. Never again. I love you Asics, you've always been good to me! Why fix something if it 'aint broke!?!? The Reeboks gave me blisters right away, and still gave me some months after. So now I'm back to my Asics and will forever be loyal:)

500m rower
0.5 mile treadmill
400m rower
0.4 mile treadmill
300m rower
0.3 mile treadmill
200m rower
0.2 mile treadmill

10lb weight (should have done 15)
15 concentrated arm curls
15 plank things
15 side plank ab lifts (R)
15 (L)
15 plank things
15 TRX arms
15 plank things

10 straight arm lifts
10 walk down to push up, push up, walk up
10 reverse sit ups (lift legs straight up)
10 walk down to push up, push up, walk up
10 abs with roller legs curl in, then pike
10 walk down to push up, push up, walk up

20s bicycle abs
10s rest

Party on!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

the disapointments

Some days I am disapointed by my food choices. But most of the time it's not based on something I did. For example, last night I was excited to get a salad at Psycho Suzis and I left greatly disapointed. Too much dressing, not enough steak. Mushrooms were good though! I'm training myself to like them and it's going well. I have to get better at asking for dressing on the side...I had about 4 of J's tator tots and they were great (and totally worth it by the way-I'm totally one for taking bites of the good old stuff, cause that's usually all I need to taste it right!?).

Workout today was tough, but good. I realized I embarssingly left my heal blister bandaid in the treadmill water bottle hole...and we were rotating with 2 other hopefully they didn't notice. Dangit! Fail. We did a tornado today, which I realized I'm not the hugest fan of, though it's usually a higher burning one. I just like getting my treadmill all the way done with, not having to go back a couple of times to finish out running.

Person 1: 1 mile treadmill as fast as possible
Person 2: Rower
Person 3: Floor
100 quick step ups on bench
100 squat pulses
100 ab flutters on bench, in V formation
(rotate until every one does each)

Person 1: .2 mile all out on treadmill
Person 2: Squat rows (squat over rower and just do arms)
Person 3: Floor
6 Russian swings with 20lb, each arm
6 Snatch each arm

I can't remember the rest :/

Party on!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

whole30 baby birds

This is such a simple breakdown of the real Whole30, I really like it!

So many great things! I have little Whole30 baby birds under my wings and I love it. And that's not even accurate because they are so strong on their own, they don't even need me! My manager has one week left, and is so happy with what the 30 days has done for her. Yahoo! My mom's in her first week, and she is doing great!!!

As for me, I've had a great few days. Cravings here and there, a reason I miss the rules. Cravings are so mental, it's so weird that I didnt' have them on the plan, and now I do. Tonight I'm going to dinner, and already researched the menu and picked out the salad I want (again, me having a salad, and excited about it, so weird!).

My workout today was challenging, but super great. So happy to like working out!
(also I started wearing a knee compression thing, and I feel great running now)

26 minutes on treadmill, some hills and all outs, hills all the way up to 15, woof

500m rower
100m one arm row (R)
100m one arm row (L)
100 straight arm extension on rower (not sliding)
10 push ups
10 pull ups standing in front of rower

10 laying bench press 20lb
10 one arm upright row
10 laying triceps extension, 15lb weight

10 TRX upright row
10 TRX normal row
10 TRX one arm row (R)
10 TRX one arm row (L)

Hold V position for one minute

Party on!

Monday, March 9, 2015

spreading the whole30 love

Best weekend ever! My beautiful mamma wants to try Whole30! Yahoo! We even chatted with a family friend about it too, and I think she's on board! So exciting. I was trying to control my level of excitement. But I'm still so pumped about this life change, it's hard to keep it low.

And on that note. I listened to the Fed and Fit podcast over the weekend and really enjoyed it. The episode "How to Paleo with Grace" was super wonderful and reminded me of important things. It's nice to take a humble pill sometimes and remember that where I'm at in my eating lifestyle is different than other people, and that's more than OK.

So far, I really like Orange Theory. It's kind of a bummer that I'm on the wait list a lot this week. But then again, I was number 6 this morning and still got in. Another reason it's great to work out in the morning, it's almost guaranteed that people will be lazy and cancel so I can sneak in:) Yay!

Today I started with treadmill:

26 minutes alternating between base hills + all out hills, etc

Floor, 20lb weights
6 single-leg, straight leg deadlift with dumbells, each leg
8 snatch with dumbbell
10 bosu ball sit ups with dumbbell

10 bosu ball jacks
10 overhead tricep extension, kneeling on bosu ball

150m on rower
10 superman on bosu ball
10 each bosu mountain climbers

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Today is a big day. My coworkers are all going to Arbys over lunch, which we used to do a lot...because of my idea. And guess what, I'm not even tempted! What the what!!! I'm so excited. This is a huge leaf turned. I can't wait to eat my shredded chicken with guac and apple and spinach salad! Woohoo! Of course, I'm sad to not be able to hang out with them over lunch. But it's OK if I can get some work done instead. Life is goooooood!

My workout today was tough. I'm wondering if it's because I ended with treadmill instead of weights, or if it's becuase it was mostly hills, or if I'm already burning was just tough. And I'm worried if I push myself too much running I will hurt something. My knee felt a little off today, so that makes me nervous. But I really like it so far! Maybe I will just have to power walk if I start to feel anything super funny.

But it was still great:

5ish minutes rowing

10 step ups with dumbells R leg
10 dumbell between legs, tricep dips with bench
10 step ups with dumbells L leg
10 inverted curls sitting on bench

10 dead lifts with dumbbells
10 sumo squats

20 seconds reverse sit ups on bench, 10 seconds rest
20 seconds bicyle abs on bench, 10 seconds rest

.5 miles @ 3% incline
.25 miles @ 5% incline
.5 miles @ 7% incline
.25 miles @ 9% incline
about .4 miles @ 3% incline

I ended up walking when I needed to, but pushing myself too. Inclines just really kick ass. As in they are hard.

Still loving it!

Party on!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

on alcohol

Giving up alcohol was far and away the easiest part of Whole30 for me. I've never been a huge drinker. Mostly because it's always a surprise what will make me sick. One drink could do the trick some days, I just don't have the belly for it. The other reason is because I just don't get it. It's over priced. It tastes like chemicals. I mean yeah I like the taste of beer most of the time, and I love red wine, but the more I live life, the more I realize that's socially constructed in me. It's not something I daydream about. Dr. Pepper or Yo-J on the other hand, GIMME ALL DEM DRINKS.

But let's be clear, there is NO judgement for people that drink at any time or place, duh! It's everywhere! And it's fun! And delish! And the norm! I just would way rather have juice. How weird is that? Ha! I know, I'm cray. I was that way even before Whole30. Out with friends, I would rather have a coke at a bar, "rum or vodka in it?" the bartender will ask. Then I will feel judged, and respond with a disappointed, "I guess". Oh life...

So I want to be braver. I want to be true to myself. I should really stop doing something for other people, especially something like drinking. Because now I have all of these Whole30 reasons to not drink if I don't want. It Starts With Food goes into it a lot, but basically, it has no nutritional value. Whereas, the juice I had last night, which was the freaking bomb, has tons. So why wouldn't I trade out something I prefer?

It makes so much sense!

So cheers, to bravery, and living my life for myself. The hills are small, but we gotta climb 'em.

Party on!

This rant inspired by the drinks I'm going to try here from Whole9life this weekend...can't wait!

new workout place

Last night I went to Good Earth for the first time with a friend, and was SO impressed. I had the green juice, which was amazing, to say the least. I had some of the bread, which blah, since it was there I ate it. No guilt, but I never thought I would have wished to not have free bread. Used to love that shit! I got the flank steak, with a side thing of kale, carrot and freekah. It was a perfect dinner. And then a few bits of cheesecake :/ Not totally Whole30, but I felt really great about it still. And I have PMS, so....

I'm still eating well mostly! And I still love it! Again, it's just socially when it's difficult. The other night I tried two ingrediant crock pot chicken. OMG so easy. This will be a staple. Especially since I don't like cooking chicken/am so sick of it:

The directions are really hard.
1. Place thawed chicken breasts in crock pot
2. Pour jar of salsa over chicken
3. Cook on low 8-10 hours

Yahoo!! I overcooked mine a bit, but they shredded great still! Just made clean up a little harder. In fact, my bowl is still in the sink soaking trying to get some chunks off. But I'm excited! I just put some quac on the chicken and it's delicious!

New workout place! Workout today:

3 groups, rotate between, treadmill dictates length of rounds

1.5 miles on treadmill

1200m on rower
12 straight arm extensions
12 something...tried to google it and couldn't figure it out
12 again, not sure ha!

12 TRX upper row
12 TRX side row
12 push ups (I still can't believe I can do real push ups, easily almost - blushing emoji)
24 plank to one arm balance, switching sides
12 medicine ball push up, alternating
12 v abs with medicine ball
24 mason twists with medicine ball

1.5 miles on treadmill

Finished in time almost perfectly

I really, really like this place. I feel like I got the best workout in the shortest amount of time.