Thursday, April 30, 2015

day 25 round 2

Still feeling so great. I was thinking about how much water I drink, and how normal it is for me. Our breakroom got an ICE MACHINE yesterday! It's huge news. We're all so excited. Even though there are a couple a short walk away, it's still exciting. And I was thinking about how many people maybe drink a glass of water a day. And how that's normal for them. And it sounds so dumb, because my sad thoughts should be invested in actual tradgedies, but still it makes me a little sad. Anyway, my point is, I'm glad I like water, and I'm glad I'm filling my body with it because my body really likes it.

Deep thoughts on a Thursday, you're welcome. This post sponsered by H2O.

Oh crap, and then there's California...who barely has enough water. Man, now I feel guilty about even discussing this. Whatever. I'm talking about being grateful so it's fine right?

On to other things! I feel so great today. Not even worried about this coming weekend road trip with girlfriends. One, becuase my friends freaking rock, and are so thoughtful about it, even when they don't have to be. How awesome is that? And 2, I'm not even worried about temptations. This feels so normal right now, and I'm so happy with that. I'm just praying that that lasts. Speaking with other whole30ers at the Whole30 book tour last night made me feel powerful in this. That yes it will be hard to sustain it, but I can. The world is just pushing against this lifestyle so much, it's just choices. I have to make the right choices. And know my brain better than my brain knows me. Wow THAT makes no sense in the actual sense...but metaphorically it works. Ha! I know that I am a black and white gal. So I will have to keep the rules for now...and see what happens.

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs + cinnamon, coffee water
Lunch: Meatballs + pico (gosh I love pico), apple and spinach salad
2:00 cashews
Dinner: Grilled! Uff someday I have to learn how to grill...grilled tuna, tons of veggies, avocado and strawberry salad, I also had too much pineapple to start 

Omg I tried the grilled mushrooms and just about died. I didn't know I could like them!!!! I'm so excited!!!

Workout today:
Split in 4 today
Treadmill #1
Warm up
2 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
1 min all out
30s recover

Floor #1
10 squat and dumbbell curl
10 TRX press, palms down, pull hands to face
200m row

Treadmill #2
2 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
1 min all out
30s recovery

Floor #2
10 medicine ball push ups, to chest
150m row

Treadmill #3
2 min push
1 min base
30s all out
1 min recovery
30s all out
30s recovery

Floor #3
10 TRX capital I move, straight arms forward, and then keep straight as pull up straight above body
20 mountain climbers

Treadmill #4
1 min push
1 min all out
1 min recovery
1 min all out
30s recovery

Floor #4
10 TRX reverse curl
5 burpees

Party on!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

day 24 round 2

Good morning!!! I really want to work on my work attitude today. Get more done, me more productive, be less salty, it's gonna be a good day. I'm staying late, which I'm strangely looking forward too. And THEN going to the Whole30 book tour!!! Yahoo!!! Talk about Fangirling. Omg I'm such a fangirl.

I'm so thankful for working out. It gives me so much energy and joy. Even on nights when I don't sleep much, it's still worth it. I'm not sure if that's the right thing or not, but it works for me, so unless something changes, I think I will keep on keepin' on!

Something that's been tough on this round of Whole30 is sharing it with coworkers. I'm trying to stay silent unless they come to be with questions, because I don't want to be the Whole30 police at all! But it's been really tough overhearing them talk about certain things and not giving advice or direction, or at least having them read the book and try it again some day. Especially when they talk about not having success, or what they are going to binge on right away when they're done. I wish it was as life changing for them as me. But I have to remember that everyones different, and maybe it's not right for them or even the right time in life for them. Who knows! I just hope they still have some positive things to say when it's all over:)

Food Today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs + cinnamon, water, coffee
Lunch: spinach + apple salad, leftover cracklin' chicken, avocado, banana chia seeding pudding (my friend brought this in, so good! i havne't had successful chia seed pudding yet so I was excited)
3:00 cashews
5:00 apple
6:00 Rx bar
9:30 pie guts (warmed berries, almond butter, coconut flakes, chia seeds)

My "dinner" was a little messed up becuase I stayed late at work and then went to the Whole30 book tour! It wsa fun! Casual and fast, but a fun experience. They move everything along really quickly. For the Q&A I asked where they were eating dinner, and everyone laughed, but they didn't have a great answer. So maybe I should have asked what they had eaten? I dunno Dallas said last time they came they went to Barbette. Also, he is a very attractive man. Melissa is just as funny in person as she is on instagram. I wasn't going to wait for the book signing, but I started chatting with someone, and then the line was almost done anyway, so I just did. #fangirl.

Workout today:
Treadmill (rough today, sore from something)
Warm up
2 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
1 min all out
1 min recovery
1 min base at 7% incline
1 min base
90s base at 6% incline
1 min base
2 min base at 5% incline
1 min base
2.5 min base at 4% incline
1 min base
1 min all out
1 min recovery

10 backward lunges with 15lb dumbbells up to chest, 3 pulses at bottom, each side
10 each arm, squat one arm row with dumbbells
15 sit ups with weight
30 superman position, lift left leg, right arm, alternate
20 plank to elbow things
10 TRX reverse curl (arms straight out, then pull up to face)
500m row
(x3, didn't quite finish the 3rd)

Party on!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

day 23 round 2

I love this newest Whole30 post. I feel like a lot of the time, they say something and I think, Oh my gosh I've totally thought that exact thing!

"Then you hit the aisles, and your Whole30 momentum comes to a screeching halt smack in front of the canned tomatoes and olives. Citric acid? Calcium chloride? Ferrous gluconate? What the heck are those? Can I have those? I should Google these. WHAT EVIL CORPORATE FOOD CONGLOMERATE IS BLOCKING CELL PHONE SERVICE TO AISLE 4. "

Feeling really good today, and so inspired because of how good I still feel.  Three cheers!

Ab Challenge: Today's Pre-ab challenge was supposed to be 200 ankle touches, but I didn't do last nights crunches so I had to do 400 abs. It was tough. And I did it in my underwear and the living room. So we'll work on getting better at that for when the real challenge starts in May:)

Gallon Challenge: Pretty sure I finished today, instead of bringing my leftovers home, I decided to trust myself to drink enough water at dinner. And I'm pretty sure I did, but my bestie did bring me Good Earth juice since she's the freaking best! How sweet is that??? I made tacos for a double date, and she said she was in charge of drinks and knew I couldn't have wine. She's the best:) But I was wondering if this is necessarily worth fill myself so uncomfortably full with water? I'm not sure yet, but I still want to try it. We'll see!

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs + cinnamon, coffee, water
Lunch: leftover cracklin' chicken, spinach + apple salad, avocado
2:00 cashews
Pre-dinner: too many plantain chips, these guys rock too much that they suck
Dinner: taco salad and Good Earth juice, too many plantain chips again :( also pie guts after dinner

Workout today:
Treadmill-run to row (people always sigh at this, but I kind of like it)
.5 miles run
150m row
.4 miles run
150m row
.3 miles run
150 m row
.2 miles run
150m row
.5 miles run
(was a little more tired today, burning calves, but still a good day)

20, 14, 6 reps
Lunges, each side with 2 dumbbells
Squat and press with dumbbells
Laying toe touch with both dumbbells up stright
(x4, got through extra 14 set)

15 TRX press (basically air push up)
15 straigh leg dead lift with dumbbells
15 feet on roller, in and out

20 "kettle" swings with dumbbell
10 side plank with leg lift, each side
20 double crunches, crunch leg bent + leg out

Party on!

Monday, April 27, 2015

day 22 round 2

Only one week left in the Whole30! That's craziness. It feels so normal. It went slower this time, but actually just as powerful I think. But in a different way I can't described. In a normal way, a way that I think I can maintain better and for longer this time. I'm just really thankful...again.

I had a beautiful taco salad for dinner tonight on the porch with friends. I love recipes that make it easy to eat that much spinach...because I had a heaping pile. That taco meat man, it's just the best. Then we went on a walk, and I finished my gallon of water, and eventually that belly ache went away  (ha!) and then we booked tickets to Portland in July! Holla! My hiking buds:) Can't wait!

It's only day two of the gallon was tricky...but I think I just forgot to drink anything the last couple of hours of the day because I was making a flow chart and having way too much fun (nerd alert). Also I didn't do my ab challenge for last night, since my belly was so full of water ha! Too many goals, they are competing with each other. But that's OK, I'll get better!

Food Today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs + cinnamon, water, big coffee
Lunch: taco salad, meat, spinach, pico, avocado, apple
Dinner: taco salad, meat, spinach, pico, olives

I wanted fruit, just because "i was allowed and hadn't had my second fruit yet", but i stopped myself. I was already high on life because of trip planning, it was pretty late, I was going to read and go right to bed. So I halted and didn't have it. And it was wonderful! Made so much sense, and makes even more sense now. Yay Whole30 mindset:):):)

Workout today:
Treadmill - running felt SO good today, it was so fun!
Warm up
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
3 min push
1 min base
2 min push at 3% incline
1 min base
2 min push at 5% incline
1 min base
30s all out at 7% incline
1 min recovery
2 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
1 min push
1 min all out

400m row
10 squats
300m row
20 squats
200m row
30 squats
100m row
40 squats

6, 8, 10, 12 reps each
Kneeling concentration curl 15lb
Standing reverse fly
V-up with dumbbell
(x3, didn't make it all the way to 12)

10 TRX squat down and lift up on toes
10 TRX tricep bends facing away from wall
10 plank jacks + feet jump in towards hands, alternate

30 each (x2)
Russian Twists
Frogs in and out

Party on!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

day 21 round 2

I was so excited for breakfast again today. I couldn't wait for those darn breakfast patties! I kinda overloaded my plate, but I had no guilt because it was amazing.

I am such a fan of Stupid Easy Paleos tortillas. Some may consider them non-whole30, but I'm pretty confident to know it's ok for me. I might try and use less Ghee next time. I'm not sure if my skin is weird, or if my smelling ability is what's weird...but when I have too much buttery food, including Ghee I guess, I can SMELL it in my pores! It's bizzare and gross and I dont like it. So the tortillas I made today were a little greasy and had a lot of ghee in them.

After tacos, I made this concoction. And I think I'm going to name it pie guts, becuase that is just what it tasted like. It was seriously amazing. I had two servings, so it might have been too much like dessert, but oh well! I warmed up Costco frozen mixed berries, added chia seeds, almond butter and coconut flakes and mixed it all up. You guys. Ohmylanta. It was incredible!

I successfully went to a friends bridal shower and didn't have any of the treats. And yeah they looked good, brownies and bars, totally my weakness. But it is INCREDIBLE how easy it is to not have them! What the heck! It's amazing. I didn't even really think about it at the time, but now thinking abou it, it was so easy! Bah! So excited:)

My roommie and I also biked the 4ish miles there and back, so that made the day SO great!

Food today:
Brunch: Sausages, 3 eggs, raspberries, coconut flakes, almond butter, plantain chips, coffee
Prep wedding shower snack: Blueberry rx bar
Dinner: 3 leftover tacos (still so yum!) + paleo tortillas, frozen berries, chia seeds, almond butter, coconut flakes

Party on!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

day 20 round 2

Hey! It's day 20! I woke up SO excited to cook this morning. It was so energizing to cook good food for people last night, and to make something amazing for J this morning too! As always, I waited patiently while J slept to cook. I usually get up really early and wait for him, entertaining myself with TV and reading and insta and such. This morning I made us NomNomPaleos Paleo Sausage Egg "McMuffins". Recipe number 4/4 for my goal this month! And they were absolutely incredible. I want one right now, really bad. We slapped on some guacamole too. J had a bagel, and of course it looked incredible, but honestly, mine was so good on it's own it wasn't an issue, like at all. I would highly recommend it. The taste of the sausage was so amazing too, NomNom provides this recipe, and it was seriously perfection. Somehow spicy and sweet, just magnificant.

The technique of making the parts went well. I found that mixing up the eggs and putting the salt and pepper in that mixture, and then pouring into the ring, worked better than what the recipe called for. It was definitely a messy meal for me though!

We also tried Trader Joes cold brew, and are really excited for that since J doesn't have a coffee maker. He used milk and I just used water. It was really nommy.

For all my other meals this weekend I had left over tacos and was SO not upset by that. Holy moly were they delicious. I'm so excited to have even more leftovers this week!!!

Food today:
Brunch: Sausage egg Mcmuffin, grapefruit, cold press
Dinner: 2 leftover tacos, apple slices with almond butter
11:00 an orange

Party on!

Friday, April 24, 2015

day 19 round 2

Feel super super great. Digestion is still wonky per usual, but it really doesn't concern me. The pros outway that con. My cycle seems to be a little off...I'm half getting it early? Not sure if that's whole30 related or not...

Excited to cook tonight! I can't believe I never knew how much I like to make food! Eeek! I'm a little addicted to filling my freezer though...I have quite a bit of stuff frozen, and I really need to get better at using that before I buy more stuff. Especially meat. It's just hard when you want to try a recipe...I think that will be my goal next month. To use my freezer stock. I have to prepare ahead of time my meals it's not like keeping "extra stock" in the freezer is that helpful anyway. Unless it's meatballs! Or previously prepared actual meals.

For dinner my sis came over and helped me cook. And some friends came too. We made the taco recipe from Against All Grains cookbook, and it was seriously amazing. Recipe number 3/4 for my goal this month! Then I made pico with roma tomatoes, serrano pepper, red onion, lime juice and salt. It was incredible. Other toppings: lettuce, guacamole, olives (we grew up with olives on our tacos, I didn't know that was abnormal!). Then I made these tortillas for me. It was such a freaking good meal. And it was a hit. The dessert was sugar free and a hit too! I was WAY more careful this time cutting my serrano pepper. I used a baggie over my hand, and paper towels to hold the pepper and rinsed it off ha. No burning! Success!

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs + cinnamon, water, coffee
Lunch: meatballs, greenbeans with ghee, avocado, spinach + apple salad
3:00 cashews
Dinner: 3 (I may have had 4!!!) tacos, rasperries + almond slices, almond butter, coconut flakes

Workout today:
Treadmill (really good one today, rough at first, but I pushed through!)
Warm up
3 min push
1 min base
3 min push
1 min base
3 min push at 2% incline
1 min base
90s push at 3% incline
30s all out at 3% incline
1 min recover
3 min push
1 min base
3 min push at 2% incline
1 min base
90s push at 3% incline
30s all out at 3% incline
1 min recover

500m row
40 russian twist with medicine ball
20 jacks with medicine ball
200m row
20 squat + jump with medicine ball

300m row
15 squats with dumbbells to sides 15lb
15 curl and press
15 kneeling one arm tricep extension

Party on!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

day 18 round 2

Feeling good! It's going really fast and normal at this point. Cravings are obsolete. Had a hard time snacking, but my hope is that that will keep getting better too. I can't "rely" on the rules for everything, I have some responsibility too, and that's with snacking for sure!

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs + cinnamon, coffee with coconut milk (holy cow is that good, wow!)
10:00 strawberries + almond butter + slivered almonds + coconut flakes
Lunch: meatballs, avocado, spinach + apples
2:30 nuts
Dinner: cracklin chicken, mashed potatoes, grapefruit

Workout today:
This felt SO good, thank goodness! Back at it:)

Warm up
2 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
1 min all out
1 min recover
2 min push at 3% incline
1 min base
90s push at 6% incline
1 min base
1 min push at 8% incline
1 min all out at 8% incline
1 min recover
2 min push
1 min base
1 min all out
1 min recover
1 min push
1 min base

Row warm up
20 sumo squats with dumbbell
12 pikes with feet on rolly
20 Russian twists with dumbbell
12 hands on rolly, roll forward and back up

10 straight arm side raises, 10lb
10 straight arm front raises, 10lb
10 bird/dog on bosu, lift right arm with left leg, switch

20 one foot jumping bosu back and forth
20 plank jacks with feet on bosu
12 v ups on bosu

Party on!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

day 17 round 2

Last night I made a healthy meal, cleaned up, ate it, while I watched the movie Fed Up and flipped through my new Whole30 book.

And all I kept thinking was..


I have come so far on this health journey and am so stinkin' thankful for it.

Happy sigh...

Food Today:
Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs, monkey salad-bananas, coconut flakes, almond slices, almond butter, coffee + coconut milk
Lunch: cracklin' chicken, mashed potatoes + ghee + basil, green beans, blackberries, la croix
2:00 cashews
Dinner: Good Earth-club lettuc wrapped sandwhich-bacon, turkey, avacado, tomatoes, fruit bowl, fresh juice, tea
When I got home :( Plantain chips, almond butter strawberries

Workout today:
This was a really great workout. Makes me so thankful to be healthy, I felt so much better today then yesterday.

10 step up on bench, squat, with dumbbells
10 one arm Russian swings 20 lbs each arm
20 hands on bench, jump high back and forth

8 each arm snatch with 25lb dumbbell
8 push up + clap ( I COULD DO THESE! At least for the first round, I had to move to my knees eventually!)

10 TRX pull ups
10 TRX squat jacks

Treadmill (this was super fun, but really tough):
1 min push
100m sprint row
10 frogger squats

1 min push
1 min all out
20 frogger squats

*I pretty much finished here, got one more 2 min push in, but if there was more time...
2 min push
1 min all out
300m sprint row

Abs (I could barely do this)
1 min each
Flutter kicks
Overlapping flutter kicks
Scissor kicks

Party on!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

day 16 round 2

Oh wow, this morning was rough. And you know why? No matter how "clean" I'm eating, or how "whole30" i am. I still fall, and last night it was fruit. I had so much freaking fruit! I almost finished strawberries on my way home from the grocery store, I had a grapefruit after dinner (thank god it was finally a good one), and then finished my dried mango. That freaking dried mango. Uff my vice. So anyway, my body laughed at me and was all, ha, you think you're going to be able to just jump around and run hills and crap today, fat chance! I'm gonna block up the whole top half of your belly and you gon WALK BITCH. Ok but actually, I had such bad cramps and stuff this morning that I did have to walk instead of run. Maybe I should have ran through it, who knows. But I was just listening to my body and letting it do its thing. Also, I might have been forced to toot, and we do not want that. Seriously. It's bad when I'm eating like this.

The workout was just OK, since I didn't push myself hard enough. But at least I went!

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs +cinnamon, water, coffee
Lunch: meatballs, olives, spinach + apple salad
2:00 cashews
Dinner: Cracklin' chicken - fresh from the skillet-ahhhh yeah!, green beans, grapefruit

Workout today:
Split in 3 increments
1 min base
2 min hill at 6% incline
1 min base
2 min push
1 min all out
1 min base
or something similar to this...

300m row
10 decline press with 20lb dumbbell
10 dumbbell high pull

Similar treadmill

8 sitting, dumbbell rows, leaning forward
8 one dumbbell triceps extension
8 burpees with dumbbells

Similar treadmill

10 push ups on bench
20 crab position, meet and lift right hand to left leg, alternate
(these hurt my wrists waaaaaaaaaaaay to much)

All in all, this was not my favorite workout. BUT attitude adjustment: It was still great to move around. Guaranteed by day was better doing that than if I would have fake slept in like I almost did this morning. And by fake sleep in I mean, when my alarm goes off and I'm "way to tired" to get I turn off my alarm...and then my body just repeatedly wakes up anyway so it's totally not worth it to stay in bed.

Working out is always the right choice.

Party on!

Monday, April 20, 2015

day 15 round 2

Done with two weeks!

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs + cinnamon, water, coffee
Lunch: meatballs, guacamole, spinach + apple salad
Grocery store after work: almost a whole thing of strawberries, oops
Dinner: Curry and caulirice, grapefruit
Post dinner: scoop of almond butter, dried mangoes :(

Workout today:
150m row
20 mountain climbers
30 curl up with dumbbell
300m row
20 spider man mountain climbers
800m row

18, 16, 14, 12 reps
Squats with dumbbells up by shoulders
TRX straight arm, by body, and then up above head

1 min base
3 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
1 min push
1 min base
1 min all out
1 min recovery
1 min push
1 min base
1 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
3 min push
1 min base
1 min all out
1 min recover

Plank rotation

Some of my favorite images lately from the whole30 insta community!

Party on!

day 13 & 14 round 2

This was a rough weekend, I pigged out on too much fruit and quite a bit of plantain chips. But how awesome is that? Way better than what my "pigging out" normally is! My body didn't shut down, I didn't feel sick, it's just a way better form of weakness. And though I'm a little bummed, I'm so happy that this was the worst I could do! Especially given the circumstance of where I was, with all my college alumni partying all day Saturday. Sunday we were lazy in the AM after waking up early, clearly I get my morning attitude from my mamma, cause we were bright and chipper and ready to go by 6:30. We watched Wild and then went for a bike ride after lunch.

Food for Saturday:
Breakfast: 2 eggs, applegate hot dog coins, coffee
2:00 Larabar, orange (oops)
5:00 leftover applegate hot dogs
6:30 plain chicken salad with veggies (this was painful as everyone was getting burgers and cheesecurds and beer, plus I think my chicken may have had a bit of garlic, got a little bit sick later that night), Rxbar
7:30 orange
10 fruit bowl, almond, splash of apple juice in water (instead of going to house party with a keg -ha!-drove to my mom's new place and ended the night with fruit instead, great decision as an old fart)

Food for Sunday:
Breakfast: coffee, banana, 2 eggs, aidells sausage, grapefruit
11:00 half larabar, 2 strawberries
12:30 pork chop, olives and peppers
4:30 blackberries, dried mangoes (went to trader joes, and endulged on the drive back, shucks)
5:30 plantain chips and salsa (delicious, but bad mental choice all around)
6:30 leftover curry and caulrice-amazing per usual

See, rough weeeknd. Too much snacking. Not anything to feel guilty about, but I want to remember this is a mental game. I'm only trying to help myself by not snacking. I'm not trying to deprive myself from joy by any means. Learning learning every day :)

Party on!

Friday, April 17, 2015

day 12 round 2

Donuts were just provided at work, and dang they looked good. But our manager brought us fruit instead! How awesome! So that was delicious...and so worth it to skip the donuts...especially given how great i feel now that the excitment is over. Seriously, it's such a quick glory. It goes away so fast! Whereas, I will feel awesome all day because I eat clean. Seems easy...but it's not always of course:) But today I will appreciate that it is!

Food today:
Breakfast today: 3 hard boiled eggs +cinnamon, coffee, water, cup of fruit
Lunch: meatballs, avocado, spinach + apples
Dinner: made this Curry with J (adapted...left out apple juice and squash)

Curry was AMAZING. I will for sure be putting this in my normal go-to recipes! Recipe number 2/4 for my goal this month!

Workout today:
Warm up
2 min push
1 min base
2 min push 6% incline
1 min base
2 min push at 8% incline
30s all out 8% incline
1 min recover
2 min push
1 min base
2 min push at 6% incline
1 min base
90s push at 8% incline
1 min base
90s push at 7% incline
1 min base
2 min push at 6% incline
1 min all out at 6% incline

Warm up row

8 medicine ball slams, hold and swing ball around on each side of body before slam
10 standing reverse fly with 15 lb dumbbells
10 flutter kicks, abs

150m row
10 punches with 10lb dummbell
10 each backward lunges, knee up when go forward
10 reverse gripe curls (my wrists dont bend like that, not sure if it's just me or everyone ha)

5 sit ups, one arm with weight lift and rotate to one side
16 push up, when up extend right leg left arm, then switch
10 each side one leg calf raises

Party on!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

day 11 round 2

Feeling pretty good today! Can't complain:) Weird how no exciting, yet normal this feels now. Definitly miss the excitment of it, but thankful for the other feelings too. Makes it more livable.

Went to happy hour after work, and it was tough, but not that tough. Mostly I just was so hungry, so I left early to eat something. But I biked there and back so that was fun!

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs + Cinnamon, water, coffee
Lunch: spinch + apple salad, meatballs, avocado, boiled carrots with salt and ginger
2:30 Cashews
5:30 cup of plantain chips
Dinner: speghetti pie, boiled carrots, grapefruit was bad again:( but this time i didn't eat it, duh!
8:30 larabar

Workout today:
This was a great workout!

Treadmill-strangly fun and really fast actually
2 min walking at 15% incline with 10lb dumbbell
2 min push
(repeat 26 minutes)

Floor - 40/20s - 40s first move, 20s second move
Right side lunge
Wide jumping jacks + feet tap in middle
Left side lunges
Wide jumping jacks again
Hold squat
In squat, roate back and forth so elbows touch hips, hold abs
Toe touch

Push ups
Straight leg fast kicks
Slow straight leg kicks
Mountain climbers
Left plank
Crooked mountain climbers
Right plank
Bear crawl
Hold Plank

Party on!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

day 10 round 2

Feeling good! It's so normal now...kinda cool! Makes the days out of 30 go slower I think...but day to day is definitely easier. I really wanted the cheese J put on his green beans last night though...

I was so exteremly shot during my workout today. I don't know what was up. I didn't feel like running, part my body was tired, but it was a mental challenge too. Hopefully it was just a fluke. I feel like I slept well, but maybe it's because I didn't sleep in my own bed so my routine ws off? Who knows. I just hope it goes better tomororw.

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs + cinnamon, coffee, water
Lunch: spinch + apple salad, meatballs, avocado, greenbeans with ghee and red pepper flakes
Dinner: speghetti pizza pie, plantain chips and guac, grapefruit (such a bad one, I should have just stopped eating it)
Post dinner: scoop of almond butter

Workout today:
Treadmill (about this, hard to remember ha)
3 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
90s push at 4% incline
1 min base
90s push at 5% incline
1 min base
2 min base at 8% incline
30s all out at 8% incline
1 min recover
2 min push
1 min base
90s push
1 min all out
1 min recover

12 TRX push ups
12 TRX one arm squat and touch, each arm
400m row
14 TRX push ups
14 TRX one arm squat and touch, each arm
300m row
16 TRX push ups
16 TRX one arm squat and touch, each arm
200m row
(only made it past 16 TRX push ups)

10 standing dumbbell fly
12 plank + one arm dumbbell pull up

5, 6, 7 reps each time
Burpees + push up
Tricep extension with dumbbell
20 mountain climbers

Party on!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

day 9 round 2

Time is going pretty slow, but feels so good! My friend that's joining me on whole30 is loving it, so that really excites me.

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs with cinnamon, water, big coffee
Lunch: meatballs, avocado, spinach + apple salad
pre-Dinner: scoop of salted crunch almond butter from TJS, omg. yum. 1 olive
Dinner: spaghetti pie, green beans + ghee + red pepper flakes, grapefruit

Workout today - today was a freaking tough one:
Warm up
1 min base
3 min push
1 min base
1 min all out
1 min recover
1 min all out
1 min recover
1 min all out 2% incline
1 min recover
30s all out 3% incline
30s recover
30s all out 4% incline
1 min recover

3 min push
1 min all out
1 min base
1 min recover
1 min all out
1 min recover
1 min all out 2% incline
1 min recover
30s all out 3% incline
30s recover
30s all out 4% incline

150m row
6 each, side lunge with weight
30 medicine ball twists

150m row
6 each arm, squat and half dumbbell swing
30 medicine ball twists

15 hands on roller, knees on ground, rolls ups
10 feet on roller, knees to chest
10 TRX squat and pull body up

15 hands on roller, knees on ground, rolls ups
10 feet on roller, knees to chest
6 each leg, TRX one leg squat + jump

Party on!

Monday, April 13, 2015

day 8 round 2

Into the second week! It seems like it's going pretty slow actually. But it's definitely a pretty mindless thing at this point. Excited to eat fresh meatballs at lunch! Went out with the roommies for a dinner drink, and they gave me a huge glass of soda water with lemon, thanks Betty Dangers! We also walked the 3 miles there and back, so it was a great night:) The roommies popcorn later that night was really hard not to think about though.

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard-boiled eggs, water, coffee
10:30am: 1 cup water + carrots + mixed berry smoothie
Lunch: Meatballs, avacado, spinach + carrot salad, water
2:00: 1/2 cup cashews
Dinner: shredded pork and onion...soup. i don't think it's supposed to be soup, but I ate it like that. Was a little nausey at bedtime, so hopefully that was just a fluke.
8:30: grapefruit

Workout today:
Treadmill-run to row
Warm up
.25 mile base at 5% incline
.25 mile push at 1% incline
800 m row
.20 mile run
200m row

Row warm up
6 lunges with weights
6 TRX upper row, lower row (12 total) this hurt my right wrist A LOT

10 bicep curl
10 press
each time add one after those two:
12 feet on rolly cart, pull in feet
15 straight legs, tricep dips on floor
20 elbow plank, punch each arm

6 1 legged dead lift
12 TRX tricep curl

Party on!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

day 7 round 2

One week down! I did quite a bit of meal prep on Sunday. As always, I have a lot of meat options, but I really like being over prepared on that end. I made shredded pork and meatballs. While I was measuring my spices for meatballs, I decided to pre measure for my future batches and put them in baggies. It will be so easy to just grab those the next time I make them! Since it's usually a bi-weekly thing. I also made a carrot, water and mixed berry smoothie thing, just to use up the last of my carrots. The weather was amazing today, so I went on lots of walks here and there, so fantastic.

Food today:
Brunch: chicken and apple sausage, 2 fried eggs, grapefruit, coffee
Dinner: pizza pie, apple with almond butter
8:30: another apple with almond butter (oops)

You're welcome snapchat friends. I accidentally got a pork loin at the Wholefoods meat counter, not realizing I really wanted a pork shoulder. But then I felt dumb to say I was wrong, so I went back and got a shoulder too. So I have a lot of pork in my freezer right now. Not upset about it!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

day 6 round 2

Saturday! This morning J and I woke up and walked to get coffee. I had a cup of fruit at the shop to hold my belly over. Then went back to his place and made some more nom noms. Roommie and I went rollerblading in the afternoon which was AMAZEballs! It was a completely perfect day! How weird that it snowed yesterday…

Brunch: cup of fruit, 2 fried eggs, left over baked sweet potatoes with cinnamon
2:00: apple with cinnamon
5:00: some pizza pie!
Dinner: arugala and steak salad at the Loop restraurant
When we went out dancing, I had club soda with a lemon and it was fan freaking tanstic. So yummy!

Party on!

Friday, April 10, 2015

day 5 round 2

I feel great today. Treats at work weren't even a temptation so that was great:)

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs, coffee, water
Lunch: Leftover Comfort noodles, meatballs, apple + spinach salad
2:00: cashews
5:00: spoonful of almond butter
Dinner: Burger + almond butter + fried egg, caulimash, pickle, guacamole

We tried the new Paleo restaurant in Mineapolis! How refreshing to go somewhere and know that I can have everything on the menu, minus booze and dessert. It was so cool! J didn't think it was bad either!

Workout Today:
Treadmill-Run to row
.20 mile run
100m row
.25 mile run
125m row
.30 mile run
150m row
.35 mile run
175m row
(x2 almost through)

15 bicep curls with 15lb
15 plank jacks + jump up to legs too

6 dead lifts + upright row
8 TRX reverse push ups/pull up things, trciep thing at the end
10 low body squats with dumbbell

16 squat lunges with weights
16 overhead dumbbell tricep extension

1 min plank

Party on!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

day 4 round 2

Day 4! Feeling pretty good. Bummed about last nights lack of appetite, but hoping that won't happen again. Last night I also made 5-ingrediant speghetti pizza pie. So I will freeze that. I've kind of over prepared for this round, too much food to consume! But I suppose that's better than the other way. I know what works,I should just stick with that.

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs, coffee, water
Lunch: left over comfort noodles, leftover chicken tenders, dump ranch, apple
Dinner: didn't feel great so had a weird dinner, olives, roasted sweet potatoes, grapefruit AND an orange, oops AND a larabar because i felt nauseous before i started making the potatoes

Workout today (3 split):
1 min base
2 min push at 3% incline
1 min base
1 min push
1 min all out


1 min base
1 min push at 6% incline
1 min base
1 min push at 5% incline
1 min base
1 min push at 4% incline

350m row

1 min base
2 min base at 6% incline
1 min base
1 min base at 8% incline
1 min all out at 6% incline


Party on!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

day 3 round 2

Someone posted this article on facebook today, and I pretty much agree with it. It says that 33% of Americans want to live a gluten free life, while only 1% actually have celiacs disease and can't have gluten. Though I agree with a lot of the articles points, I still want to decrease the amount of gluten in my life drastically. One point they make is that the "gluten sensitivity" phenomenon is hightened by the lack of gluten. I fully believe in this, and that's why I want to keep having small amounts of gluten in my diet. It's a super interesting thing, and it makes me wonder, have fads like this happened before? To this extent? I know there was Atkins and the South beach, but is Paleo different? Is Gluten free different? It's all super fascinating to me. It makes me want to be in college and find a class about the social studies of current "healthy" eating.

On another note, I haven't read any of Robb Wolfs (one of the fathers of Paleo as I understand) books, but I did listen to his podcast today, interviewing Abel James, and it was really good. I love podcasts! Especially health ones, nerd alert.

In other news, it's day 3! I have had a headache around 2pm each day now, including today. I'm really hoping that's a withdrawal thing and will go away soon...!

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs with cinnamon, coffee, water
Lunch: meatballs, avacado, spinach + apple salad
Dinner: bites of food, 2 grapefruit (oops)

Update: I strangely didn't have an appetite this night. I'm not really sure what it was. I'm wondering if the garlic powder on the chicken tenders, or other spices, made me not want to eat. I might have to try it without garlic next time. My plan was to have 3 chicken tenders, and half of this recipe for Comfort Noodles. Recipe number 1/4 for my goal this month! I didn't finish them (but packed them for lunch). And they were really really yummy! There is garlic though, so it's better if I eat that for lunch. I probably should have just not used garlic...but sometimes I want to be a normal person and eat garlic:(

Workout today:
Treadmill-endurance based (thank god i hate hill day)
3 min base
2 min push
1 min base
3 min push
1 min base
90s push
30s base
1 min push

15 reverse tricep with dumbbels
15 side blank hip raise, each side
15 crunches, legs meet in middle too

14 mountain climbers with TRX straps under arms
14 TRX bicep curls
14 lunges with TRX

Party on!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

day 2 round 2

Today I was listening to the Fed and Fit podcase while I got ready for work. And they were talking about what to do when people speak negatively about the way you eat. And they said first, screw
em, and then second just give it time because eventually they will come to you wondering what it's all about. And that's so true! It sounds like a creepy evengalical thing...but mostly it's just when people start to notice your mood change, and you're habits change, and maybe your body change. They want to jump on board. And that happened at work! Now I have all these friends that thought I was crazy and probably talked behind my back, now joining me in this battle of health. How cool!

Round 2 definitely feels different. I'm less excited, which I miss a lot. But that's even cool, becuase it's just a normal part of life now! So I can appreciate that too.

So far, the hardest part is learning my boundaries with my peers that are joining me. Do I tell them they are breaking a rule, becuase they would want to know? Or will I annoy them? It's a hard situation. How do I phrase, this is what worked for me, without people thinking they can do it however they want? I'm sure that will get better with time.

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs, water, coffee
Lunch: meatballs, apple + spinach salad, avacado
2:00: leftover "smoothie" from last night (was going to eat it with breakfast, but didn't have time) and I was hungry
Dinner: packed a lunch and ate with K, Paleo chicken tenders, cucumbers, dump ranch, a little bit of chia seed pudding (had to use the rest of my cocnut milke from the ranch). Don't mind the loser paper in the background...

Workout today:
Row to run:
650m row
.25 mile run
550m row
.35 mile run
450m row
.45 mile run
350m row
.55 mile run (didn't finish this)

700m ish row warm up
14, 16, 18, 20 roller things, lay on back with feet on roller, pull legs in, keeping butt up
12 TRX touch floor, then touch hand up to strap, 12 each side

10 burpees + spin + push up
20 plank jacks

12 sumo squat with 30lb weight

Party on!

Monday, April 6, 2015

day 1 round 2

Here we go! I'm so excited for this day!!! I wasn't able to do meal prep yesterday, which is a huge bummer. But luckily, since I've done this before, I have some sneaky tricks. I had Applegate hotdogs in the freezer, so I will just have that for dinner tonight. And then do some meal prep after. I have lots of coworkers joining me this time, so that will be interesting! I want to document my exact food better this time, so I'm going to edit blog posts to add that for the day. I'm also doing a body transformation challenge at the gym, so I have to log my food for that too.

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs with cinnamon, water, coffee
Lunch: meatballs, spinach + apple salad, guacamole
Dinner: 3 applegate hotdogs coined and sauteed, smoothie thing (so much kale, cucumber, carrots, ginger, lemon juice, green apple, water, ice-this made 3 servings)
-->also, a couple sweet potato chips and an olive were snuck in during cooking

I went to Cub after work and stocked up. I'm pretty sure I pulled an amateur move and got to much food, but it was pretty fun!

Last night I made Dump Ranch and Chicken tenders (which I've written about before). I'm still always amazed at how good both of these things are. Uffta so fun. Also, really messy. You can see all my ranch supplies in the background of the photo. I also used my citrus juicer for the first time (just adding to my gadget addiction...) and it was so great!

I win the weirdest first whole30 dinner ever award. I'm not sure, but for some reason I just wanted a "smoothie". These are frowned upon because usually people pack them with fruit. But mine is basically just a salad blended + ginger, ha! It wasn't great, but it's wasn't bad! It definitely was a way to get in some veggies in a new and fun way. Pretty chunky though, I wish I could use a straw.

Workout today:
We did 3 rounds today, which again I'm not a fan of. But it was still a really good workout

1 min base
1 min push
1 min base
1 min push
30s base
1 min all out
1 min recovery
1 min base
1 min all out

100m sprint
10 squat and then hold medicine ball out
100m sprint
10 squat and push medicine ball up

Similar push/base/all out mix

400m row sprint
12 laying on stomach, lift left leg, right arm, alternate

Similar push/base/all out mix

12 snatch each arm
10 hammer curl
10 TRX triceps

Party on!