Friday, October 30, 2015

October 30, 2015

My knee was pretty much normal today, just tiny hints of tender like twice. On the second half of the workout, while on the bike, I did have a new pain in the middle of my RIGHT shin. Similar to shin splints but more sharp, less pounding if that even makes sense. It went away eventually though. It was defiintely strong for a while though. And kind of throughout the day I have felt it too. Like right now my leg is still but I can feel a nagging sharpness in that area. Super weird...maybe it's from biking?

Workout today:

600m row
15 sit ups + punchs on rower
15 squat jumps
15 squat + rower row
100m squat row
50m bicep curl row
450m row
Repeat above

Pop jacks
Alternating jump lunge
TRX sit pull up to standing on toes
40 mountain climbers

2.5m push
30s all out
1 min recovery
2 min push
1 min all out
1 min recovery
3 min push
1 min all out
1 min recovery
90s push
1 min all out
1 min recovery
90s push
30s all out
1 min recovery
1 min push
1 min all out
1 min recovery

Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 29th, 2015

Last night J and I went to a concert, throughout the concert my back hurt a lot more than usual, but then my ass started hurting just from turning, so I realized it was all workout related, ha! Those lunges were a B word. I didn't notice when I was doing it, but I noticed today...every time I try and walk.

I didn't notice my knee hurting standing, but when we went down the stairs, it screamed in pain at every step. So that's a little concerning. But it's semi normal today, so that's good. As in, it hurt first few pumps of bike, but was totally cool after that. And it only hurts if a turn it funny when I cross my legs for a second.

At least I can have Dr. look at my knee too when they look at my shin. Pros and cons?


So currently, on the bike, my base is gear 12, push gear 16, all out 20 standing, and recovery 10, just for reference.

3G today (hell week really is hell)
My pod didn't work today, so I don't have my calorie count, but they've been near 600 or over every day!

Warm up
All outs are starting at 22 standing, and gradually down to 20 depending on length of time.
30s all out
30s base
45s all out
30s base
1 min all out
1 min base

1000m rows
100 press jack with medicine ball
500m row
50 press jack with medicine ball
1000m row

20 bicep curl to press
20 bench tricep dips
30 TRX chest press
30 TRX pull ups
40 push ups
40 plank rows (20 each arm)
50 bicyles

Party on!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

my shin

I interupt these workout messages with a shin update.

The clinic called today with X-ray results. The not super with it nurse said, the X-ray was clean, but there was "non-specific findings of sclerosis".

Whatever that means. All I know is that I shouldn't have googled.
Of course my mind jumps way too easily.
All I wanna do it be healthy so I can workout like this forever.

They referred me to Ortho, and I have an appointment for Nov 9th. Hopefully it's nothing! I should have asked more questions on the phone, but I didn't really trust her knowledge and she seemed really rushed. I asked if it could have caused the pain and she said hesitantly yeah it was most likely due to that. They also think it's from a previous injury, she asked if I've ever had one, and I can't think of anything.

Also my knee really hurts today. In trying to poinpoint the pain, it's when my bottom part of my leg is twisted in to the right, so when I swing my right leg from under my chair, up towards my straightened left leg to cross it (this is a lot of times how i sit on the edge of my chair), I can feel it then. Or if I'm trying to find it, when i hold my right foot steady with my left foot, and try and push my knee towards my other leg/rotate my knee towards my other knee.

Just for a record ya know ;)

October 28, 2015

My knee was acting up a bit today. Just when I first started biking, per usual. And then I did a pigeon stretch at the end, where you bend your knee in front and bend forward. No way jose, that was not good for it. Didn't crazy a lot, but if I would have pushed it it would have. And it kinda hurts after having done that. So it's something with rotation. As long as I'm mindful of that. I realize how often I cross my ankles at work, because I've been trying not to hoping that's not screwing up my knee. I natrually sit kinda like knees apart, ankles crossed nad back under my butt, if that makes any sense.

But it feels fine now so that's good. Shin is doing well. My other ouside shin (R) has been a little soar lately, during workouts and such. But i'm thinking that's just a compensation thing.

Workout today:

Warm up
1 min push
1 min all out
50 iso squat
1 min push
1 min all out
40 iso squat
1 min push
1 min all out
30 iso squat
1 min push
1 min all out
40 iso squat
1 min push
1 min all out
50 iso squat
1 min push
1 min all out

90s base

30s all out
30s recovery
30s all out
330s recovery
30s all out
30s recovery
30s all out
30s recovery

Row warm up
300m row
30s iso squat hold

1 Dead lift 20lbers
2 backward lunges
1 Dead lift 20lbers
4 backward lunges
1 Dead lift 20lbers
6 backward lunges
Up to 20
Then I put weight on shoulders becuase my hands were cramping so bad
Got up to 14 with second round

30s squat curl press
30s recovery

Party on!

October 27, 2015

Injuries are feeling good! Yay!

The workouts have been tough this week, and I love it.

Warm up
16ish minutes starting on rower, trading with biker
Biker .4 miles - Row sprint

Repeat again, starting on bike

50 squat jacks
20 squat iso row
20 bicep curl
50 jump over box (I didn't do full ones due to shins)
(x 1.5, this was harder than I thought)

50 squat jump
20 arnold press
50 calf raises with weights
20 sumo squats with weight
(x 1.5)

Party on!

Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26, 2015

I definitely worked out last Friday, but from work chaos, forgot to upload the workout.

My shins and knee felt totally fine today. Thank god. Let's just hope nothing else crops up, so these bitches can heal.

Dancing this past weekend at the wedding and other times I don't remember...oh driving 6 hours friday and sunday, my knee was a little painful, but today it was fine, so that's great!

I love how I feel strong and capable. But I hate how I know how much crazy better and more powerful I would feel if I was eating better.

I love how strong my arms are getting. But I hate how masked they are since I'm not eating better.

I love how hard my leg muscles are getting from biking. But I hate how much the jiggle in the mirror when I do jumping squats.

This could qualify as self body shaming. Well, yes it does, I shouldn't even try and hide it. I have shame right now for my body. But I still love it more. So I think that makes it OK? I don't know. It's hard to be PC about health, and not make people worried about you. I think it's safe to say that, yes being healthy brings me tons of joy, but the rest of my joy in life, is larger and is not hidden by the lack of a different joy I get when I'm not healthy.

That makes no sense. Regardless. My body isn't great right now, but damn is my life still full and i love it. But I'm excited to get my eating into shape and reflect the rest of joy in life with my body. So they match!

Oh my gawd I'm rambling so much.

Workout today:

3G-Hell Week for Halloween!

Warm up
Rower (over 5000m, barf)
30s push
30s all out
30s recovery
1 min push
30s all out
30s recovery
90s push
30s all out
30s recovery
2 min push
30s all out
30s recovery
2.5 min push
30s all out
30s recovery
3 min push
30s all out
30s recovery

Repeat above

6/10/12/14 reps
TRX Chest pull
TRX push up
Squat jumps
Side plank dips, each side
50 scissor abs

Party on!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 22, 2015

My shin feels fine, which is great! My knee did the weird thing on the bike again today, but it went away almost immediately after I actually started biking, so I hope that's ok?

When I was rowing today, for the second part, I got this weird twinge in my lower right back. My body is not excited for life rigth now. Beh.

Workout today:
Warm up
1 min push
1 min base
3 min push
1 min base
90s push
1 min base
1 min all out
1 min base
1 min push
1 min base
1 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
90s push
45s base
1 min push
45s all out

Row warm up

800m row (x1)
15 reverse grip row
15 each side, side plank dip
15 double crunch

800m row (x1)
14 each leg TRX running man
14 TRX bicep curls
14 TRX lunge + Y with arms

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

October 21, 2015

My left shin hurts less and less every day which is good. The Dr called today with Xray results, but I didn't answer. And when I tried to call back I was on hold for 20 min so I gave up. Today my right leg was a little sore, but in a different way. Also, my right knee has started to hurt at the start of biking, it usually goes away though throughout the workout.

That's kind of frusterating though. It's like my body is saying, oh, you wanna heal that part, then we're gonna f up this part in a trade off. Ugg.

Workout today:
Warm up

2 min push
1 min base
1 min push
30s base
1 min all out
30s recovery
1 min push
1 min all out
30s recovery

Row warm up

20/18/16/14 feet on roller, back on floor in and outs
12 each TRX one arm floor touch, strap touch

6/8/10/12 dive bomber push ups
10 sumo squat 30lb

10 180 degree burpees
20 plank jacks

Party on!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

October 20, 2015

Well, that did not go great...however, it was the fastest clinic appointment I've literally ever had.
I checked in, literally just opened instagram and got called back!
The nurse made a joke about being a hypocondriac...which I was already paranoid about, so thanks for that.
The "doctor" didn't even know what shin splints were. I mean come on...couldn't she have just googled it quick before coming to see me?
As always, she was super rushed and impersonal.
She said we could do an xray just to be certain, even though she didn't see any swelling.
I was embarassed, so I didn't say all the things I had researched (like shin splints can lead to a stress fracture, my timeline was identically to those described in articles, i had specific pain in a specific area, x-rays don't always show the fracture...etc.).

However, let's take a moment to appreciate that this is the worst of my medical concerns right now, and that I have the means to go in for something as stupid as shin splints.

I fully recognize this, just for the record:)

Really, I don't know what more I was hoping for. Since either way, I will take at least 4 weeks off to be safe. But golly gee do I miss running. I'm learning more about my body and what it needs/can do on the bike. But it's still not the same. I miss the ease of the treadmill telling me what to do, rather than me having to control my pushing.

Workout today:

Warm up
2 min push
1 min base
1 min push
1 min base
1 min push
1 min all out
1 min recovery

100m sprint row
10 medicine ball squat, push ball forward coming up
100m sprint row
10 medicine ball squat, push ball up

Repeat first part

8 one arm snatch, 25lb
10 bicep curl, 15lb
10 TRX tricep extensions

Repeat first part

250m row sprint (x1)
8 iso chest flys 12.5 lbs
16 alternating laying supermans

Monday, October 19, 2015

October 19, 2015

I'm pretty sure I will end up going to my appointment on Tuesday, though my shin isn't nearly in as much pain as after I run, it's randomly still sore. Over the weekend, going down stairs caused a sharp pain. Going for a walk there was a tiny bit. Thankfully when I biked and lifted today, there wasn't any.

Hopefully, regardless of what they do or don't find, I hope I can keep cross training. Though if I'm not able to run, I'm going to have to start eating better.
Scratch that I should start eating better no matter what.


I really miss running.

Workout today
Warm up
2 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min all out
1 min recovery
1 min all out
1 min recovery
2 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base

Row 5 min
200m row
50m reverse curl

16 total straight arem front, then side (10lb)
16 Russian twists (20lbs)
16 total single leg v up with dumbbells (15lbs)

10 laying chest press (20lb)
10 sitting dumbbell row (20lbs)
10 sitting, balancing bicep curls (15lb)

10 laying thrust, 2 15lbs resting on hips
20 sit up, twist one side, then the other (15lbs)

Friday, October 16, 2015

October 16, 2015

I'm having the hardest time deciding if I should keep my appointment for my shins on Tuesday. Mostly because my insurance has changed, so it might end up being way more expensive than I think. And I hate to generalize...but the chance of the Dr not really listening and saying just stay off it for a week or highly likely.

There's a few scenarios.
I go, they say it's just shin splints, to take a couple weeks off. This either works or doesn't work and I have to go back

I go, they take an x-ray, find something good or bad, and I at least know if it's serious or not.

I guess I have a few more days to decide though. For today, I rode the bike, which was nice because it didn't hurt at all. I didn't leave limping.

Last night it was not tender to the touch, and that's when my doubt started, is it really not anything? But today, even after being careful, it is tender to the touch, in that same spot, about a third up my leg underneath/right on the rim of that flat part of bone.

And now, i just starting looking at google images, and that sharp pain does seem to be where the stress fracture occurs. Uggg. I guess it just depends on what the pain feels like when you actually have fracture. It's proven hard to research but maybe I should try harder?

Workout today:
2 min push
1 min base
90s push
30s base
45s all out
1 min recovery
90s push
30s base
45s all out
1 min recovery

90s bike
20 feet on roller in and outs
20 bicycles
(x3 - 3 min each round)

90s push
30s all out
30s recovery
30s all out
30s recovery
30s all out
30s recovery

10 bosu burpees
20 Bosu spiderman planks
5 each side vosu one leg v ups
Iso squat
(x3 - 3 min each round)

Party on!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

October 15, 2015

Yesterday during the rest of the day, my shin didn't hurt as bad. Last night I don't remember it hurting a ton. This morning though, it was throbbing a bit. I almost thought about not going to the gym, and then of course the realistic thought of, I won't fall back asleep well anyway, crept in, and I went!

I just biked this time, which I think was a good option. I definitely don't get as good of a workout, it's so hard to get my heart rate up. Even though I feel like I'm working really hard. The lady that used it after me stood up the whole time I think, maybe I should try that. I'll have to ask the trainer tomorrow.

I did make an appointment though for the clinic, next week Tuesday. I'm already regretting it though, as my shin feels fine since I biked, and it barely hurts to the touch right now. I'm just afraid that it will be a waste of time and $25...if they just tell me, you need to rest it. I really want an xray or something just to be safe. Oh well, I'll risk it.

We'll see!

Workout today:

26 minutes on bike. blah.

12 step ups on bench with weights, each side
6 lateral lunges + bicep curl, each side
12 tricep kickbacks
6 side sit froggers on bench, each side

10 one leg sit on bench, stand, repeat, each side
10 lunge with back foot on bench
10 sit ups + dumbbell punches
20 legs on bench, hip ups

Party on!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

October 14, 2015

Something bad is happening to my shin. But it's something confusing, because right now it's fine...but last night and this morning I could barely walk without it twinging with pain. It's no longer both legs which is good, but it's the lower inside of my left leg that is flaring. That's what makes me worried that it's further injury from shin splints. Since clearly the shin splint part went away in my other leg.

It was fine during my workout yesterday, but by the end of the day, when I walked through my door, i could barely walk to the couch to the fridge without limping. It was really weird. It was sore to the touch too. When it's in that painful state, it hurts the most when I'm taking a step, and lifting off with the back foot.

And then this morning, about halfway through the tread portion, it started to get pretty painful, but only between sprints. It was fine when I was finally running. When we moved to the rowers, I kept my lower body stationary and just did arms because it was painful, but my second chunk of rowing was fine (after bosu excersizes). So it's obviously inflamed from certain activities. The sprinting at the end was really bad at first, but hurt less with each sprint. Walking to the car hurt a little...but after sitting in the car and then walking to my work door-SO BAD. So when it gets a break, that's not cool either.

Workout today:
Warm up
3 min push at 4% incline
1 min base
2 min push at 6% incline
1 min base
90s push at 8% incline
1 min base
90s push at 10% incline
1 min base
1 min all out
1 min recovery
1 min all out
1 min all out
1 min recovery
1 min all out
1 min recovery
30s all out
30s recovery

1000m row (x1)
15 bosu ball sit up + press with medicine ball
20 bosu ball back extensions

500m row (x1)
8 each side inverted spiderman planks
8 lunge + skip each leg

40s sprint
40s iso squat
(x 6 min)

Party on!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October 13, 2015

My shin splints were OK today, which is great. Every once and awhile the left side pops up, especially to the touch. The right leg is pretty much good to go.

I've noticed I can't maintain the same speeds I was once able to. And I think a huge part of it is what I'm eating. When I was in full Whole30 mode and working out everyday, good god it felt amazing. And now I'm just a little sluggy. At my height, my base is comfortably speed 6, push 7.5 and all out 9...sometimes a little more. Now I can barely keep 6, i usually stay at 5.5, push is 7 and 8.5-9 is all out.

Just more motivation to keep working towards better eating!
But not today. I want a sandwhich today.

The workout was pretty great though:
Warm up
3 min push
30s base
30s all out
1 min recovery
2.5 min push
1 min base
90s push
30s all out
2 min push
1 min base
30s all out
30s recovery
90s push
30s all out
1 min recovery
90s push
30s all out
1 min recovery
1 min push
30s all out
30s recovery

Bosu Burpees
Alternating push ups on Bosu (one hand on, one hand off-5 each side, etc)
(all rounds)

Squat jacks
Spider man plank (each side)
(all rounds)

TRX squat jump
TRX row
(all rounds)

250m row
8 frog squats
200m row
8 frog squats
150m row
8 frog squats
100 m row
8 frog squats

Party on!

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12, 2015

My shin splints were OK today. When we switch off  run, floor, run floor, it's really hard on them. But there's not really a way to get around that so that's a bummer. On the plus side, it's only my left lower shin. It hurts sharp to the touch...but doesn't hurt throughout the day right now. So I think i'm going to keep running on it for now, and if it goes back to the pain it was previously, then I will go in and get it checked so I don't do permenant damage. My legs are so tight from running again, I really should get better at stretching. clothes have gotten really snug.
UG hate that.

Workout today:
Warm up
2 min push
1 min base
90s push at 6%
1 min base
90s push at 8%
1 min base
1 min all out at 10% incline
30s recovery

300m row (x1)
8 chest fly 20lbers
8 one arm row
15 reverse crunch

1 min base
90s base at 6% incline
1 min base
90s base at 9% incline
1 min base
90s push
1 min all out
30s recovery

300m row (x1)
8 seated press
8 bench angle chest fly
15 roller push ups

1 min base
1 min base at 8%
1 min base
3 min push
1 min all out at 10%
30s recovery

8 upright row
8 bench decline press
15 ab frogs on bench

Party on!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

october 7th 2015

Workout today:
Warm up
1 min push
1 min base
90s push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
1 min push
1 min all out
1 min recovery
90s push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
4 min push
1 min base
1 min push
1 min all out

400m row
12 goblet squat 25lb
12 side lunge + middle squat 20lb
350m row
300m row

1000m row (x1)
20 skaters
15 TRX bicep curl
15 side sit up each side

20 straight leg raise and lower
20 frog abs
20 windshield wipers

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

october 6th 2015

Workout today:
Warm up
2 min push
1 min base
90s push
1 min base
1 min push
1 min base
1 min all out
30s recovery

Straight arm front raise
Bent over dumbbell reverse fly
250m row
Repeat floor
200m row
Repeat floor
150m row
Repeat floor

2 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min all out

8 decline press, laying on bosu as bench
8 squat position, underhand row
12 staggered push up

3 min base incline at 6%
1 min recovery
1 min all out at 8% incline
30s recovery

10 TRX butt to floor, stand up
10 Y's
40 Mountain climbers

october 5th, 2015

Workout today:

3 min warm up
3 min push
1 min all out
1 min recovery
1 min all out
1 min recovery
1 min all out
1 min recovery
1 min all out
1 min recovery

2 min push
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base
1 min push
1 min all out
1 min recovery

90s push
30s all out
30s recovery
30s all out
30s recovery

10 TRX push ups
20 soldier planks

1 min side plank thread needles
1 min super man
1 min other side plank needles

12 squat, one arm arnold press
12 burpees
12 squat one arm arnold press