Thursday, October 15, 2015

October 15, 2015

Yesterday during the rest of the day, my shin didn't hurt as bad. Last night I don't remember it hurting a ton. This morning though, it was throbbing a bit. I almost thought about not going to the gym, and then of course the realistic thought of, I won't fall back asleep well anyway, crept in, and I went!

I just biked this time, which I think was a good option. I definitely don't get as good of a workout, it's so hard to get my heart rate up. Even though I feel like I'm working really hard. The lady that used it after me stood up the whole time I think, maybe I should try that. I'll have to ask the trainer tomorrow.

I did make an appointment though for the clinic, next week Tuesday. I'm already regretting it though, as my shin feels fine since I biked, and it barely hurts to the touch right now. I'm just afraid that it will be a waste of time and $25...if they just tell me, you need to rest it. I really want an xray or something just to be safe. Oh well, I'll risk it.

We'll see!

Workout today:

26 minutes on bike. blah.

12 step ups on bench with weights, each side
6 lateral lunges + bicep curl, each side
12 tricep kickbacks
6 side sit froggers on bench, each side

10 one leg sit on bench, stand, repeat, each side
10 lunge with back foot on bench
10 sit ups + dumbbell punches
20 legs on bench, hip ups

Party on!

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