Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 5, 2015

I really wanted to cancel my workout for this morning, since we were in New Orleans since Saturday, but by the time I had committed to the idea, it was past the 12 hour mark, so I couldn't cancel! Blessing in disguise I suppose.

Except that my knee hurts really bad today. The break didn't do it well apparently...because now it's like, WTF, you gave me a break, and then forced me to bike again. F you I'm gonna make you feel it all day. Again, it hurt the most right when getting started, but fought a little harder then the last times I was working out. It hurt a little longer into my workout than usual. But did indeed go away. But I also noticed it during the bike round a couple of times. But again, only during biking, no pain during lunges etc.

Again, it's not like a constant pain, it's a turn it wrong, move it wrong kinda hurt. Who knows if that's good or bad.

I also got my clinic bill from my shin x-rays, and had a mild panic attack. So I changed around my insurance, and now I'm not sure if I should go to my appointment Monday, or wait until my new insurance stuff kicks in Jan1st.


Walking on the trip was good, my right shin was hurting a bit again, which was weird. It's a little higher then where the intense left hand pain was. And it's a little sharper. Hard to describe. My knee hurt every once and awhile while on vacation, but nothing like after working out. It hurt when I sat funny at a restaurant chair or things like that.
I'll think on it and see what happens.

What to say. Easy to say it's easy day 1. I had two cups of coffee...that's a tell. Also, work was so busy, I didn't even have time to crave anything, so that made it easier. Not excited for the sugar and carb headaches I will surely be getting this weekend when I'm out of town with girlfriends...

Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs + cinnamon
Lunch: caf salad, lettuce, olives, egg, raisins, peppers, sunflower seeds, side of fruit (NOM NOM...but expensive...)
Dinner: staying late at work, so had some cashews, chicken for dinner

Workout today
Warm up
3 min push
90s base
2 min push
1 min base
1 min push
30s base
1 min all out
30s recovery
2 min push
1 min base
3 min push
90s base
90s push
1 min base
1 min all out
30s recovery

20s sprint row
10s rest

14/12/10 reps
Squat + arnold curl (15lbs)
TRX one leg back lunge + TRX Y, alternate
Scissor kicks, shoulders off ground, with weight holding above

20s sprint row
10s rest

20 curl + press (15lb)
20 plank jacks

Party on!

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