Friday, May 1, 2015

day 26 round 2

The best part about eating whole foods...the feeling the next morning after you binge. I mean ideally I would learn to never binge...but this relationship with food thing, might last a lifetime. I might go in and out of control, and I'm OK with that. But when I loose it, and I eat too many veggies, or too much fruit, I feel full and a little bloated, and the tiniest bit guilty that day, but the next day, I wake up feeling amazing. How awesome is that??? I mean, depending on the fruit part, I might feel a little poopy. But if that's the worst of it. A-OK with me.

At this point, I want to do this forever. So I think I will continue on a Whole45 track. If something crazy happens, like I make a concious decision to have something off Whole30, we will tackle it then. But for now, I feel powerful. And strong. And ready for this. Actually I feel like I could cry a little I feel so good and so thankful, and that word, that strong word. That's in my heart like crazy. I feel silly to get emotional about this, but I think that just shows how powerful it can be. And just to throw this in there, again, I'm so thankful to have the means for this. I know that I'm lucky and blessed. I know that not everyone can't afford this lifestyle.

ANYWHO! Roadtrip with girlfriends this weekend. Snacks are packed. Gonna make some hotdogs before we leave so I can have those with my chipotle, which I'm sure we will be stopping for:)

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs + cinnamon, coffee, water
Lunch:  a ton of leftover grilled veggies, meatballs, apple
Dinner: Red peppers, Chipoltle, Hot dogs, Banana, Grapes, Coconut flakes, Banana 

Can I just say, we stopped at chipotle for dinner on our road trip, and I was fully expecting to get a bowl of barely anything. But I saw no signs for lack of carnitas and my hope went a little up. Then I heard someone say carnitas and the guy nodded his head, and then my hope went really high! And then when it was my turn I said are there carnitas???? And the guy said well barely a serving, and I think these are the last in the whole restaurant. WHAT!!!! I got the last carnitas!!!! I was beyond pumped. I had made some hot dog coins in preparation, but I still ate those too:)

My wrists haven't been hurting as much during workouts so that's nice. I haven't been wearing my gloves, but have them with me in case there's a day they hurt.

Workout today:
This was tough. My legs were so tight again today. Not sure if this keeps happening because of floor stuff we're doing or running in general. I have to get better at stretch though. I hate when my mind is ready to run but my body is not:( I pushed myself at points I didn't think I could today though, so that's good!

Warm up
3 min push
1 min base
2 min push at 4% incline
1 min base
1 min all out
1 min recovery

10 side step ups holding 20lb weights, each side
20 sitting frogs (legs in, arms in, then out)
10 plank jacks
10 tricep dips with 1 dumbbell in between legs

2 min push
1 min base
2 min push at 6% incline
1 min all out at 6% incline
1 min recovery
1 min push at 8% incline
1 min base
2 min push
1 min base

12 step ups with 20lb dumbbells + squat at top
10 laying overhead tricep extension with dumbbell
300m row (then 250, 200 other rounds)

Party on!

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