Monday, February 16, 2015

day twenty four and five

The rest of the weekend was so magical. Weekends just rock don't they? Also, I love my kitchen. Look at it, look how cute it is!!!!
Sunday morning consisted of waking up slow with J and making myself an incredible breakfast. Well incredible to me, same old same old for any observer. Fried Eggs, chicken and apple sausage and a grapefruit. Then we adventured at Costco for the first time, and I must say, I was not impressed. There just really isn't that much to offer unless you're cooking for a family. But I was happy to go once, and know now that i don't need a membership. I am super excited about the mini gucamoles I got, and the pink salt. Then we went to Trader joes, and my heart was content. Gosh I love that place. Some staples I got:
Coconut flour (still need to get almond)
8 veggies mix
Frozen green beans
Monday breakfast photo here
Dinner wasn't super impressive, I had some leftover pesto sauce over Zoodles, and barely ate it. It was all a little too old, I'm sure it was fine, but it just kind of skeezed me out. And leftover potato turned into pancakes (those were great duh).
Monday was Presidents Day, and we both had it off! We woke up slow, and then I went home to make myself brunch. While making breakfast, I prepped to make some meatballs for the week too.
Dinner was so fantastic, leftover cracklin' chicken, leftover chicken salad, sauteed kale (which I made too salty and didnt' finish, oops) and a part of the mornings grapefruit.
I also tried to make kale chips! I followed NomNomPaleos recipe. I put the leaves in a ziplock with olive oil, shook it up, put leaves on aluminum sheet and baked for 12 minutes. Then I put chips back in zipolock with a mixture of spices (paprika, salt, garlic powder) and shook it again. They were really good!
Party on! Until another weekend ;)

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