Friday, February 20, 2015

day twenty nine

J and I cooked dinner for his mom and finace last night, and it went really well! We made them a Whole30 meal and they loved it! We made cracklin' chicken again (I really need to get a splatter guard), mashed potatoes (I can't have real potatoes anymore, I had way too much of it-not worth it to tease my brain like that), parisan carrots, and a spinach and strawberry salad.

For some reason, last night I had a really tough time explaining where my heart is for Whole30. Which is defeating. I'm not sure why it happened. But of course they were supportive still:) And I'm just as in love as ever.

As I was researching how to heal this constipation I'm feeling (but no longer after this morning yahoo!), I came across the "what to expect timeline". I started reading about day 29

Days 29-30: HolyOprahIt’sAlmostOverWhatAmIGoingToEatNow?!?!?!

It’s day 29, and you’re still rocking. The thoughts you had yesterday of throwing in the towel are gone. You cruise through the day and as you crawl into bed you have a small thought that then grows into full-blown cold-sweat panic. Holy crap. Tomorrow is day 30. The last day. What the hell are you going to do after that?! You worked so hard, fought through all the anger, the naps, the cravings to get to the awesome you’re feeling now. The rules have been your backbone, your lifeline, your excuse for being “that person” in social situations. Are you just going to give them up on day 31? No. You firmly resolve that there will be no deviation on day 31. If it ain’t broke…

It’s totally normal to feel a twinge of panic as your Whole30 comes to a close. For the past month, you’ve lived, breathed, and literally eaten the rules. You feel incredible in your new high-octane body. It’s natural to hesitate at the thought of making any changes – even if the change is a return to what was “normal” for you before. And, the truth is, you don’t have to go back to the way you used to eat. But keep in mind that the Whole30 was intended to be a reset, an introduction into the world of Good Food. I know it’s scary, but keep an open mind, okay?

And it's all so true. So, so true. I got a little teary eyed reading this, which might be a little too weird. But I'm so thankful for this life changing experience, but also I'm really sad it's almost over. I feel attached to it. Who knows if that part is "healthy", but either way, it's so worth it. I'm so excited for the future and to keep this train on track, with alterations of course.

Workout today:

10 mins treadmill, 3 min walk 5% incline, 2 min jog 5% incline, 5 min run 3% incline

100 jump rope
20 plank press with dumbell
15 medicine ball slams

20 ab sliders
30 rope slams
Push sled down and back
Farmer walk with bar down and back

15 squat and press with dumbells
20 mountain climbers with slider
15 sumo squats
(x1 - since I came late)

Party on!

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