Sunday, February 15, 2015

day twenty three

I LOVE WEEKENDS! Because they're weekends duh, but also because I get to make fancier breakfasts, than just my standard two hard boiled eggs + cinnamon. I made breakfast for J on Saturday, 2 fried eggs, potato pancakes made with our leftover mashed potatoes, and chicken and apple sausages sauteed. SO DELISH. I could eat a whole carton of fried eggs I swear.
J actually woke up before me on this day. To get coffee and sneak in flowers to my apartment. Winner! We finished off the morning watching some shows and slowly starting the day. Went to visit J's mom. Then split up to prepare for the big V day. I never thought I would be that cliche person...but I finally like Valentines day a tad. Of course it helps when you're dating someone, but since J and I will take any opporunity to celebrate each other, it's just that much more fun to have a designated day. I even wore a red dress, woof.
I made a late little lunch of leftover cracklin' chicken salad. I just chopped some spinach, plopped some mayo in there, along with the chicken cut up and celery. It was so good! That cracklin' chicken, I tell ya...
I was going to workout, but I didn't. And I'm OK with it. I never have guilt when I don't miss a workout...but it is hard to know which days are more full, the ones I get to sleep in and relax, or the ones I get SO much done if I workout early. Uff, adult choices are hard.
Party on!

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