Friday, February 6, 2015

day fifteen

Now that two weeks is down, I have been a little disappointed with myself today. I saw some change in my body days ago, and now I find myself thinking, well why do I not feel different every day. That is so not something I want this to be about. Instead I'm going to put my energy and thoughts into last night. How my friends ate this delcious looking (and smelling pizza), and I didn't have any. I happily ate my meatballs, sauteed veggies and avacado. And you know what, it was so satisfying. I felt full and happy. And even better today when I know how worth it it is to keep this going. Yahoo! Small hills to climb and they feel so good! I also had a precious newborn in my arms while they ate, so that helped too :)

Breakfast today was my typtical 2 hardboiled eggs with cinnamon and coffee.
Lunch is baked chicken with sweet potatoes, carrots and green sauce, apples and spinach plain salad.

Again, todays workout was SO GOOD:

Treadmill - 3 min 15% incline walk, 3 min 10% incline jog, 4 min 3% incline run

20 alternating plank rows
10 one arm rope slams
10 goblet presses
Down and back farmer walks

10 presses
10 sit ups, throw medicine ball to wall
Sled down and back (so much weight, oof)
10 medicine ball slams

15 tire flips, jump through
15 box hops
15 knees to chest with sliders
30 mountain climbers with sliders

Dinner was my first zucchini noodles! With pesto!

Party on!

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