Wednesday, April 8, 2015

day 3 round 2

Someone posted this article on facebook today, and I pretty much agree with it. It says that 33% of Americans want to live a gluten free life, while only 1% actually have celiacs disease and can't have gluten. Though I agree with a lot of the articles points, I still want to decrease the amount of gluten in my life drastically. One point they make is that the "gluten sensitivity" phenomenon is hightened by the lack of gluten. I fully believe in this, and that's why I want to keep having small amounts of gluten in my diet. It's a super interesting thing, and it makes me wonder, have fads like this happened before? To this extent? I know there was Atkins and the South beach, but is Paleo different? Is Gluten free different? It's all super fascinating to me. It makes me want to be in college and find a class about the social studies of current "healthy" eating.

On another note, I haven't read any of Robb Wolfs (one of the fathers of Paleo as I understand) books, but I did listen to his podcast today, interviewing Abel James, and it was really good. I love podcasts! Especially health ones, nerd alert.

In other news, it's day 3! I have had a headache around 2pm each day now, including today. I'm really hoping that's a withdrawal thing and will go away soon...!

Food today:
Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs with cinnamon, coffee, water
Lunch: meatballs, avacado, spinach + apple salad
Dinner: bites of food, 2 grapefruit (oops)

Update: I strangely didn't have an appetite this night. I'm not really sure what it was. I'm wondering if the garlic powder on the chicken tenders, or other spices, made me not want to eat. I might have to try it without garlic next time. My plan was to have 3 chicken tenders, and half of this recipe for Comfort Noodles. Recipe number 1/4 for my goal this month! I didn't finish them (but packed them for lunch). And they were really really yummy! There is garlic though, so it's better if I eat that for lunch. I probably should have just not used garlic...but sometimes I want to be a normal person and eat garlic:(

Workout today:
Treadmill-endurance based (thank god i hate hill day)
3 min base
2 min push
1 min base
3 min push
1 min base
90s push
30s base
1 min push

15 reverse tricep with dumbbels
15 side blank hip raise, each side
15 crunches, legs meet in middle too

14 mountain climbers with TRX straps under arms
14 TRX bicep curls
14 lunges with TRX

Party on!

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